Why Settle in America? Fun Fact: 5-10 million natives living in what is the present day United States before Columbus arrived.
Why start Settlements in North America?? ● European Investors started risky oversea business ventures to turn a large, quick profit. Mercantilism (economic theory where more money=more power) was what most European nations were practicing Early Settlements ● The Roanoke disaster - Established in English returned in 1590 to find the colony had disappeared. All that was discovered of the ‘Lost Colony’ was the word “CROATOAN” carved in a tree. First colony: Jamestown, VA
What made Colonies Economically Possible? ● Tobacco’s Impact on the New World 1612 witnessed the introduction of tobacco cultivation - Colonies could now turn a profit. Fast need of Labor: - Indentured Servitude: In exchange for passage to N.A., food, and shelter upon arrival these individuals agreed to a limited term of servitude. (Typically 4-7 years) - Slavery: Africans first brought to N.A. colonies in 1619.
What other reason existed for people to leave Great Britain and start colonies? ● Religious Freedom o Massachusetts Bay Colony (1630) “A CITY UPON A HILL” - Intended to be an example of how to run the church of England. - Wanted to stay within church and reform it from within. o Maryland (1634) - Allowed freedom of worship to all Christians. - Passed to encourage settlement but also to protect the Catholic minority within Maryland. FREEDOM FROM PERSECUTION AND FREEDOM TO WORSHIP WERE IMPORTANT FACTORS IN THE FOUNDING OF MANY EARLY SETTLEMENTS.
Other Reasons to Leave and Explore 1. Power, wealth and adventure 2. Improvements in navigational technology a. Compass, astrolabe, etc. lead to a desire to want to go out and explore more since it’s more possible and safe. 3. Global Imperial Conflict a. England, France and Spain were constantly competing on who would have the most money/power and stopped worrying about their citizens. Why stay if you’re not being taken care of? 4. Glorious Revolution a. People in England overthrew the king. This inspired colonists in America to start thinking that maybe they had a right to protest their gov’t (the SAME gov’t) as well. b. Colonists were unhappy because the king wasn’t fairly representing them in England
What Were the Two Main Themes of Early Colonies? ●Neglect 1. The colonies were largely neglected and left alone by Britain due to other concerns at home. 2. This allowed colonies to develop at their own pace, style and free from the crowns finger. 3. Could this cause a problem down the road??? ●Legislatures 1. The various colonial legislatures considered themselves a parliament for the colonies. 2. Self-government is a tough thing to give up once it is experienced. - Moving out of parents house and then moving back in??? Could you do it??
How did the Southern Colonies Develop? ● Largely developed as a rural society. ● The PLANTATION was the driving force behind the South’s development. o PLANTATION: Farm specialized in raising a single crop grown for sale; not for the farmers own use. ● Small farmers made up the majority of the Southern population. However, plantation owners controlled the economy along with its political and social institutions.
Slavery in the New World ● Indentured servant population began to fall off. African slaves became the alternative: = 13,000 slaves in Southern colonies = 200,000 slaves in Southern Colonies ● African slaves were traded on the Triangular Trade (Middle Passage) million slaves brought to America - Slavery will be a problematic issue for the colonies and the U.S. and will eventually lead to a civil war.
Homework ● Freedom was one of the driving forces behind many of the early settlements in America. In light of this, how was it possible for colonists to deny freedom to fellow humans and keep them in bondage? As we will see this contradiction goes largely unquestioned or unchecked for hundreds of years. Can this contradiction be explained? (Provide more then a simple “yes” or “no” answer. Explain your position and give your reasoning.)