PG Calc | Invested in your mission 8 Marketing Keys Non-Profits Can Learn From For-Profit Companies Event:Planned Giving Council of Northeast FL Date:October 10, 2013 Presenter:Andrew Palmer Marketing Consultant PG Calc Incorporated
PG Calc | Invested in your mission The List of Eight 1.Have a Plan 2.Identify Your Brand 3.Know Your Competition 4.Develop Your Message 5.Recognize Word of Mouth 6.Traditional Copywriting Rules 7.Keep Track of How You’re Doing 8.TEST, TEST, TEST Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Learn From For-Profit Marketing 1. You Need a Strategic Plan There are 5 basic steps: Goals Objectives Strategies Tactics Measurement
PG Calc | Invested in your mission A Sample Social Plan Goals - Establish our brand in social media Objectives - Get 1,000 Facebook fans & 1,000 Twitter followers Strategies - Create a new community that will excite people to fan, retweet & engage Tactics - Offer special deals, share news and buzz, tweet and retweet regularly, provide CS Measure – Use analytics or HootSuite Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 2. Identify Your Brand Refine Your Value Proposition Uniqueness and Differentiation Get Trust and Loyalty Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission The Gann Society Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 3. Know Your Competition Assess Strengths and Weaknesses Learn From Your Research Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 4. Develop Your Message Create an “Elevator Pitch” Capture Attention Quickly Rehearse it, Tailor it, Refine it Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 5. The Value of Word of Mouth Use Testimonials Create Content to Share-Social Media TRUST, CREDIBILITY and REFERRALS Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Every 60 Seconds Online… Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Will Your Social Succeed? Bottom Line: Will it connect with people? Will they care? Will they share it? Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission How to Decide If YOU Need Social Would you like… Feedback in real time? Improve CS & response time? Promote virtually free and possibly viral? Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 6. Traditional Copywriting Stress benefits, not features - what a product can do for you A telephone service, or connection with your loved ones? Desire + Hard Data = Open Wallet Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Headlines and Bullet Points The 4 U’s of Copywriting Unique Useful Urgent Ultra specific Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 7. Keep Track of How You’re Doing 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 1. Conversion rate 2. Traffic Sources 3. Visitor Loyalty & Visitor Recency 4. Search Engine Visits Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 8. TEST, TEST, TEST Continuous Cultivation is Key Test your strategies and tactics continuously, track, measure, adjust …and test again. Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Test Your Landing Pages Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Test Your Sign-up Forms Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Test Your Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission 6 Testing Tips 1.Test one thing at a time 2.Make your tests big 3.Results must be statistically valid 4.Clarify & record results 5.Assign unique tracking codes 6.Manage expectations Learn From For-Profit Marketing
PG Calc | Invested in your mission Questions? Thank You! Contact: Andrew Palmer, Marketing Consultant Learn From For-Profit Marketing