WHAT IS INFORMATION LITERACY? The assessing and usage of information through internet or technology based sources. The Internet has been called “this generation’sdefining technology for literacy and learning” meaning that in today’s schools both students in-take of knowledge and teachers output of knowledge is based around the way too easy ability to access anything there is to know through a single internet source. This chapter takes the positives of information literacy and uses them to create “responsible digital citizens”.
USING TECHNOLOGY AS A LEARNING TOOL Since 2010 the usage of technology has outweighed “traditional” methods of learning by over 50% to the point where even newspapers, books and other forms of learning such as writing papers and essays are all used online. Not only do young people use technology in their every day lives but elders and older adults are using it for their every day lives as well. What used to be “just for the youngsters” is now something that the oldest of people are learning to use and incorporate into their lives on a daily basis.
INFORMATION LITERACY VS. THE BASICS In modern assessments of educational knowledge as well as older forms of assessing learning, reading and writing are the two main areas of learning that has to be perfected before entering the real world. Now, there are new media based assessments to make sure that students are being advanced and proficient at using technology to be successful in the business world. Media Literacy Digital Literacy
BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL TECHNOLOGY USER What is I.T.? Information Technology Information technology (IT) fluency Understanding all technology based information extremely well or fluent Technology helps in properly obtaining primary forms of knowledge in the educational classroom Practices high levels of learning and thinking Gets you prepared for the “real world” where everything is technology based The most important aspect of learning information through technology
NO MORE TRADITIONAL WAYS! CLASSROOM USAGE. Electronic Note-taking Online researching E-books Browsing or internet searching Fast searches, such as: Google, Wiki or Ask Microsoft for papers, power points, excel, publisher and more Use Technology in Education
ASSESSING OUR STUDENTS KNOWLEDGE OF TECHNOLOGY USAGE What are our students retaining? What is it that they actually know? This is how we test them to receive accuracy: Be able to identify the basic technology terms, technology pieces & compartments and be able to do common every day tasks on technology based materials Be knowledgeable in citing, copywriting and documenting work that doesn’t belong to you AUP (Acceptable Use Policies) : rules and the consequences attached the rules that are not followed after being properly taught
BE AN EXCELLENT DIGITAL CITIZEN Empowering students to use technology based information correctly – ex: creating a blog or website Stand up against cyberbullying and other forms of foul play Avoid plagiarism & cheating Create and Construct your Digital Identity Using all of the retained knowledge about technology and applying them effectively in every day life