Essay Outline and Citations Scoring GuideEssay Outline and Citations Scoring Guide Exemplary ___ Includes all of the proficient standards and also does.


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Presentation transcript:

Essay Outline and Citations Scoring GuideEssay Outline and Citations Scoring Guide Exemplary ___ Includes all of the proficient standards and also does one of the following: ___Develops an entire introduction paragraph with relevant context ___ Conclusion makes a comparison to a similar (specific!) event that weve studied Proficient ___ Thesis includes 3 categories that are specific (e.g. more specific than political, economic and social) ___Thesis answers the prompt and states a clear position ___Thesis use academic language (vocab terms and transition words) ___ Paragraph claims connect to the thesis categories and position ___Paragraph claim is fully developed in a complete sentence ___Paragraph claim does not repeat the same words as the thesis ___ Evidence is specific proof (dates, names, events), not claims ___ Evidence includes information beyond the textbook ___ Evidence is fully explained in several complete sentences ___States how the evidence supports the claim ___Evidence is in your own words ___ Conclusion doesnt use clichés and extends the readers understanding of the topic ___ Provides correctly formatted source information from 3 sources ___ Sources are well chosen and reliable

HOT ROC HOT ROC- In what ways do adolescents and adults clash? How do the images on pages 368 & 369 reflect the divide between modernists and traditionalists? Be specific in your discussion about the images.

The Growing Divide Urban Attractions: Factory & Office jobs Higher wages Diversity Entertainment Rural Problems: Export demands dropped after WWI leading to lower income

Changing Values Traditionalists Felt attacked by modernists Generally lived in small- town Increased religious fundamentalism Modernists Viewed some traditionalists asbackwards Excited by city life Exposed to new ideas, music, and social values

Traditionalism vs. Modernism Debate In the 1920s there was a serious clash between modernist views and traditionalist values In a small group you will look at the conflict that arose between these two groups and create a hypothetical argument between the two groups.

Traditionalism vs. Modernism Debate Follow these steps to prepare for the discussion: 1. Prepare your arguments. Read the appropriate section and complete the corresponding reading notes. Meet with your group and prepare at least one argument from each perspective. Then prepare at least one more argument or counterargument from your assigned perspective. 2. For each opinion, create an argument and counterargument with one of these prompts: As traditionalists, I believe... As modernists, I believe You will earn points for the following: +1 point for any of the following: making a valid argument that supports your both the modernist and traditionalists perspectives using a fact or Key Content Term from the text making a counterargument for both the modernist and traditionalist perspective referencing the founding ideals

Traditionalism vs. Modernism Debate Topics Opinion A (Section 29.3) Young people today are totally out of control. Opinion B (Section 29.4) Prohibition has done more harm than good. Opinion C (Section 29.5) Both evolution and creationism should be taught in the classroom.

Follow these steps to prepare for the discussion: 1. Prepare your arguments. Read the appropriate section and complete the corresponding reading notes. Meet with your group and prepare at least one argument from each perspective. Then prepare at least one more argument or counterargument from your assigned perspective. 2. For each opinion, create an argument and counterargument with one of these prompts: As traditionalists, I believe... As modernists, I believe Your group will earn points for the following: +1 point for any of the following: making a valid argument that supports your both the modernist and traditionalists perspectives using a fact or Key Content Term from the text making a counterargument for both the modernist and traditionalist perspective referencing the founding ideals Debate Topics: Opinion A (Section 29.3) Young people today are totally out of control. Opinion B (Section 29.4) Prohibition has done more harm than good. Opinion C (Section 29.5) Both evolution and creationism should be taught in the classroom.

Example As a traditionalist, I believe… As a modernist, I believe… +1 for a key fact Counterargument:I disagree with you because… +1 for a valid argument Counterargument:I disagree with you because… +1 for a valid argument +1 for a key fact +1 for a valid argument +1 for a key fact +1 for an ideal