A Conclusion is the final paragraph in your essay: Your Conclusion should: 1.Restate your thesis without directly repeating it. 2.Summarize the key points, or subtopics, in your essay. 3.Leave the reader with a lasting piece of information, or So What?
Memorable conclusions: Pose a question to the reader. Plan a course of action. Leave a lasting image. Offer advice for further study.
It was the worst experience of his life. Andrew decided that it was the last time he would ever go on a roller coaster. Who could blame him?
A criminal, no matter his/her age, should be dealt with according to the crime. The legal system is too lenient when it comes to juvenile offenders. Laws need to be rewritten immediately so that no more hard core criminals go free just because they are juveniles.
I thought I would spend a few hours at Disneyland, before closing time. I could see tired children, toddling along and struggling to keep their eyes open as best they could. Others slept in their parents' arms as we waited for the parking lot tram that would take us to our cars. I felt a bit sad to think that in a couple of days I would be leaving California, my vacation over, to go back to my desk. But then I smiled to think that for at least a day I felt ten years old again.
American Sign Language is a fast growing language in America. More and more universities and colleges are offering it as part of their curriculum and some are even requiring it as part of their program. This writer suggests that anyone who has a chance to learn this beautiful language should grab that opportunity.
Offer new information that was previously mentioned in the essay. Focus on minor points. Repeat the introduction Be apologetic. Avoid phrases, “at least in my opinion,” or “I may not be an expert on this topic.”
Because of mounting public awareness of the dangers of distracted drivers by cell phones, state legislators must begin to tackle the problem with new laws, citizens must campaign for initiatives, and police need to hand out stiff fines. The time has come for states to adopt legislation restricting the use of cell phones in moving vehicles. Innocent lives are at risk this very moment.
Because of mounting public awareness of the dangers of distracted by cell phones, state legislators must begin to tackle the problem with new laws, citizens must campaign for initiatives, and police need to hand out stiff fines. The time has come for states to adopt legislation restricting the use of cell phone in moving vehicles. Innocent lives are at risk this very moment. Thesis Subtopics So What?
Thesis supports/refutes/qualifies (support OR refute). In-text citations for all sources 3-4 pages in length Typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double- spaced Proper MLA page set-up (margins, headings, header) Works Cited Page that matches in-text citations and vice versa.
Please include the MLA format. -On page 1, your Header is on the right side including your last name and page number-On page 1, your Header is on the right side including your last name and page number Your Heading is on the left side and includes your first and last name, teachers name, class, and date.Your Heading is on the left side and includes your first and last name, teachers name, class, and date. A Title is optional.A Title is optional.
1. Hanging Format 2. Sources in Alphabetical order 3. Title it “Works Cited Page.” 4. If your essay is 3 pages, Works Cited Page is page 4. 5. Simple citation for In-text citation: ( 6. Long citation for Works Cited citation: Encarta® World English Dictionary [North American Edition] © & (P)2009 Microsoft Corporation. dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?lexty pe=3&search=dolphin dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?lexty pe=3&search=dolphin