Topic Brainstorming
Objective: Leave class with 25 viable senior project ideas that you are genuinely enthusiastic about This is what enthusiasm looks like
Brainstorming Tip #1 Turn off your inner critic
The Brain has two hemispheres Right brain functions Thought Intuition Creativity Art & Music Left brain functions Analytic Thought Logic Language Science & Math
The Right Brain keeps you from turning into Spock Right brain functions Thought Intuition Creativity Art & Music
The Left Brain keeps you from turning into a Space Hippie Left brain functions Analytic Thought Logic Language Science & Math
To generate good ideas, you must silence your inner critic Right brain functions Thought Intuition Creativity Art & Music Left brain functions That ideas dumb. It will never work.
…And let your creative side play Right brain functionsLeft brain functions This is fun!
How do I do that?
Limit your time! Dont give your brain time to criticize. Give yourself 20 minutes to come up with 50 ideas.
Record your ideas on sticky notes
IDEA 1 IDEA 3 IDEA 2 IDEA 4 Organize them later
Or mind maps! Stay away from the computer - it will slow you down
Collaborate with others
In five years, what do I hope to have accomplished? Make lists of interests, hobbies, goals, concerns What do I want to do better? What do I want to learn more about? What experiences do I want to have? What controversial issues do I feel strongly about? What professions am I interested in? What problems do I want to see solved? What organizations or groups do I admire? Where would I like to travel?
Brainstorming Tip #2 Look for inspiration elsewhere
Reference books Magazines Databases LIBRARY RESOURCES