May the “Forces” Be With You Web Quest Lisa Tolbert – 6 th Grade
Objective/Standards Purpose: To search and discover answers to why things react like they do due to gravity and other forces of nature. Content Strand: Physical Science Objective/Standards: 2 – Analyze Chemical and physical changes and interactions involving energy and forces that affect motion of objects. 2.C – Investigate and describe the effects of forces acting on objects. Gravity, friction, magnetism Forces affecting the motion of objects
First Take notes over the next few pages. They will be checked after you have finished your web quest journey.
A push or a pull
A change in position. I was in Kansas City. Now I’m in St. Louis
All the things around you that help you describe motion. When you watch a runner he is moving, but the trees behind him are not. When you are the runner everything you pass seems to be moving.
Motion that is described based on a frame of reference. Relative to the trees the runners are moving. The trees are also moving because of the Earth’s rotation, but they don’t seem to be moving because there is no frame of reference.
A certain place Right of the bookshelf Left of the bookshelf On top of the bookshelf
How fast something is moving-the measure of an object’s change in position during a unit of time. I can go 100 miles per hour (MPH) if I want to.
Any change in speed or direction of an object’s motion. Slower Faster Curve Turn Stop Start
A unit to measure force.
A force that pulls objects toward each other. It keeps you on earth.
A force that keeps objects that are touching each other from sliding past each other easily.
A measure of the force of gravity on an object. I weigh less on the moon than on Earth. On Jupiter I weigh twice as much as I do on Earth.
Next Let’s Think About Forces and How They Work Go to the following site and play the game. Be careful to follow all the direction and pay attention to the wording or you will lose all your points. I enjoyed “Forcing” you to think! HA HA /parkworldplot.htmhttp:// /parkworldplot.htm
Lastly, Let’s Research Newton’s Three Laws Click on the link below. Cut the volume all the way down on the computer and use the interactive guide to research Newton and all three of his laws. Take notes in your notebook. When you finish close the link and come back to the PowerPoint. interactives/newtons-laws-of-motion- interactive.htm interactives/newtons-laws-of-motion- interactive.htm