9.29.14 Work Edu We will learn about work and ramps by taking notes from edusmart S How many organisms in this food web eat only producers? How do you know? 3
Read and explain what you should be able to do by the end of today. Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that there is a relationship among force, motion, and energy. The student is expected to: (A) contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still;
A Take your own notes Quiz C
E Explain why the motor cyclist would use this road, instead of driving straight up.
S 9.30.14 Energy and Work BKWK Describe the energy transformation. OBJ: We will contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force and no work by using our science textbook and completing graphic note organizers. Describe the energy transformation. S
P Work occurs when ______ and _____ are in the same direction. Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that there is a relationship among force, motion, and energy. The student is expected to: (A) contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still;
P Work occurs when ______ and _____ are in the same direction. ________ energy from your muscles is turned into kinetic energy when you push an object. A ramp is used to … Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that there is a relationship among force, motion, and energy. The student is expected to: (A) contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still;
A C/E Complete page 161 Questions 1 – 7. Energy transformations and Work Lesson 4.3 Read pages 154 – 159 and complete the following: Describe page 154 Describe page 155 Characterize page 157 Math Skills Practice page 158 Classify page 159 Summarize page 160 C/E Complete page 161 Questions 1 – 7. Tear out page and turn in for grade!
S: 2m 10.01.14 Work Stations N 10,000 Calculate work: We will contrast situation of work and no work by creating diagrams of different situations where work or no work may be done. S: Calculate work: Write the equation Plug in the numbers for force and distance Multiply Label your answer with the correct unit 10,000 N 2m
P: Describe how we know if work is being done.
A&C: At each station: Record the station number from the direction card at your station. Draw the situation. Label the arrows with force and distance. Explain if work is being done or not!
E: Use a half page to contrast if work or no work is being done in each picture. Describe both the force and the distance for each situation. Remember these pictures aren’t in your journal so you must describe with words!
S- Be sure to justify your answer! 10.02.14 Ramp Lab We will determine how ramps affect the amount of force by completing a lab S- Be sure to justify your answer! 1 D
P Title: Force and Ramps Purpose: How will the angle of a ramp effect the amount of force needed to move the object? Materials: ramp, object, spring scale, protractor Hypothesis: If we increase the angle of the ramp then the amount of force needed to move the object will ___________ because…
P Procedures: At each of the angles, use the spring scale to measure the amount of force needed to move it up the ramp. Angle Force 30 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees
A Graphing our independent and dependent variables. Independent variable (X axis ): Dependent variable (Y axis): Constant variable: C What is the relationship between the angle of the ramp and the amount of force needed to move the object? Use your graph to justify your answer.
E Write a half page reflection on what you watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGXa-oL16ko
S 10.03.14 Writing to Learn: Work Situation B OBJ: We will contrast situations where work is done with different amount of force to situations where no work is done by writing to learn. S Situation A Who is doing more work? Show your calculations and explain. Who’s work will feel more difficult? Explain! F=30 N D=4 m Situation B F=60 N D=2 m
P In which situation is work being done on the image to the right? Explain
Work Graphic Organizer Copy the following graphic organizer to contrast situations of work vs no work by drawing or writing examples of each in the corresponding boxes. Work No Work
Work and Simple Machines TAKE NOTES FOR YOUR QUIZ Video is on the Tdrive. It is called Work Energy and the Simple Machines.
E Writing to Learn: Pretend you are moving to a new house and you have to pack, load and unload your belongings. Write an essay to contrast situations where you did work and no work while moving to your new house.