Finance for your Enterprise Finance for your enterprise Finance for your Enterprise Finance for your enterprise Julia Cutty (01273) East Sussex County Council Adult Social Care
What finance might be available for your organisation? Depends on how you are set up legally –Company – sole trader or limited company –Charity –Both a charity and a company limited by guarantee –Community Interest Company (CIC) –Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) –Voluntary or Community Organisation
What types of funding? Grants Loans Contracts Direct Payments/Self-funders
Grants Government grants for businesses –Contact Business Link for their online business support finder UnLtd - grants for social entrepreneurs under £20k for start up and early stage Trusts and foundations and National Lottery Funds
Successful funding applications Remember, with funding applications: –Check that your organisation is eligible to apply –Check that your project or service meet their funding criteria –Read the guidance carefully –Answer the questions –Ask a colleague to read through the application to make sure it makes sense to someone who won’t know your organisation
Loans Capitalise Business Support –Flexible business loan facilities together with on-going business advice and support; Social Investment Business –Secured and unsecured loans for social enterprises – typical loan £20,000 upwards Triodos Bank, Charities Aid Foundation Successful loan applications will always need a robust Business Plan
Contracts Your organisation enters into an agreement to provide services as specified and agreed with the service purchaser. Direct Payments/Self-funders Individuals will chose to buy your services –Support with Confidence –Online Resource Directory
Support available Business Link, EDEAL and 1066 Enterprise Social Enterprise Coalition GRANTnet via the ESCC website Guidestar, Charity Commission Big Lottery Fund ESCC External Funding Team