Bipolarity in Greek antiquity Fradelos E 1, Mparo Chr 2,Mpelegrinos S 3 1.Student, School of Medicine,University of Athens, Greece. 2.Nurse, Rn, MSc, Head of Nursing Staff, Division of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Greece 3.Administration Officer, MSc, Head of the Division Healthcare and pharmaceutical, Ministry of Health Greece Background: Bipolar disorder used to referred as manic –depressive disorder and is consider to be a severe psychiatric disorder that is characterized mainly by an emotional dysfunction of the patient. World Health Organization is placing her as the sixth in the row of the most deadliest among all the diseases. Terms as Mania and Melancholia(depression) are known to us since early antiquity and are characterized the same clinical picture today as back then. Objective: This historical study aims to present views and perceptions that prevailed in ancient Greek culture regarding the origins and etiology of Bipolar Disorder, through ages as well as the therapeutic techniques used by ancient Greeks.
Materials and Methods: The material of study consists of articles concerning the subject that were found mainly in the Medline electronic database, the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) and in the Google Scholar search engine. Results: Terms as Melancholia (A word used to describe depressive feelings in Greek Antiquity) and Mania can be found in ancient Greek poems in the pre Hippocratic Era. Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C. used the humors theory to explain emotional states, defining mania, melancholy among others. Moreover there are many reference of manic and depressive states of heroes in ancient Greek literature such as Ajax in the epic poem of Homer Iliad and Orestis in a tragedy written by Aeschylus. Aretaeus was the first who observed that manic and depressive behaviors some times are signs of the same condition and that was the first description of bipolar disorder.. The therapeutic means that had been used included bloodletting,hydrotherapy, remedies and dietary measures.
Conclusions: Conclusions: Bipolar disorder as a disease accompanies man from the beginning of history and had occupied not only the physician of those ages but ancient Greek dramatists, philosophers and poets as well. Stories of Greek myths are all that remain of an ancient religion. Gods and goddesses represent the metaphors that ancient Greeks used to make sense of the world around them and of life in general. Greek mythology is full of myths and legends about Gods, semi gods and heroes but also about divine punishment, unearthly, enormous and hideous creatures and monsters. References: 1.Kenneth D. (2007)Historical aspects of mood Disorders, psychiatry, 8(2) 47 : Angst J, Marneros A (2001)Bipolarity from ancient to modern times: conception, birth and rebirth, Journal of Affective Disorders.67,3:19. 3.Crivellato E, Ribatti D (2007)Soul, mind, brain: Greek philosophy and the birth of neuroscience, Brain Research Bulletin.71, 327:336 Key words: Key words: Bipolar, manic depressive,ancient,Greece.