TRANSP to ElVis: elvislib By: Ben Bariteau Mentor: Doug McCune
Scientific Graphics
3 Data Monitoring Integrated with Job Monitoring
Web Services
ElVis Software Package Display program – 45,000 lines of Java code – 300 classes – Summer ’08: Over 200 updates to the code Application Programming Interface (API) – Fortran – C/C++ – Java
TRANSP and elvislib elvislib was created primarily for TRANSP so that the Fortran and C programs within TRANSP could take advantage of the Java visualization tool ElVis – elvislib is primarily used with programs like rplot, cstate, and sigtab for displaying graphs and tables with a GUI that allows for intuitive manipulation and management tools ElVis was created with these programs in mind, which led to the creation of elvislib for these programs to send data to ElVis
elvislib EML Transfer elvislib stores information in memory about different types of graphs, including normal two dimensional graphs, surface plots, indexed graphs, and tables – This information is translated into EML when ef_graphwindowdisplay() is called
Sending EML files ef_sendfile() was created to send files to ElVis after they have been generated. elvis_send_file uses ef_sendfile() to send files through the CLI Changes in code: – ef_sendfile() was created in graphwindow.c, which sends files to the destinations in the ElVis environment variable Challenges: – elvis_send_file had to remove all filenames from the ElVis environment variable, so that files could not be written to and read from simultaneously – ef_sendfile() had to be able to send concatenated EML, so that ElVis did not throw exceptions.
ElVis Markup Language (EML) EML is an XML-based language – Designed by Steve Krenzel Tags contain information that is sent from elvislib to ElVis elvislib creates these tags and ElVis translates these into graphs
Hierarchical EML Structure All EML is contained within a tag – A graphwindow is contained within a tag Graphs are contained within a tag
Tables Tables can now be sent to ElVis Changes in code: – Column structure added Column structure allows for an array of strings Columns have their own background and font colors, as well as font style (Italic, Bold) and a font (Serif, Monospaced, etc.) Column has a header that is the title of the column.
Tables, contd. Changes in code: – columnList added to Graph structure A list of Columns contained in a Table graph. – topTextList and bottomTextList added to Graph structure Lists of Labels that appear at the top and bottom of the Table, respectively. Each label has it's own color, background color, font, and style attributes – Added EML output for Tables
Table Functions Functions added to the API concerning Tables: – ef_tablecreate() – ef_columncreate() – ef_tableaddcolumn() – ef_graphwindowaddtable() – ef_columnsetrowlabels() – ef_columnsetbgcolor() – ef_columnsetheader() – ef_columnsetfontname() – ef_columnsetfontstyle() – ef_columnsetfontsize() – ef_columnsetfontcolor() – ef_tableaddtoptext() – ef_tableaddbottomtext()
Tables and EML Tables use multiple tags – Within each tag there can be a number of s Each contains a value attribute – A can contain any of the attributes listed on the right Tables can also have multiple and tags – These can contain the attributes listed on the right
Tables - Challenges Creating a structure that could hold all the data necessary and adding it to the current structures Getting arrays of strings from Fortran to C Defining the color mechanism (next section)
Colors Colors were used in ef_graphaddlabel() ef_tableaddtoptext() ef_tableaddbottomtext() ef_columnsetbgcolor() ef_columnsetfontcolor() Previously, the API used 3 floating-point numbers from 0.0 to 1.0 to represent colors – This made compatibility easy, but it was not intuitive Now, the API takes a string with either a color value (i.e. “rgb: ”) or color name (i.e. “name: blue”) – Future colorspaces like HSV can be added
Logarithmic Z Axis in Surface Plots The index (Z) axis of this surface plot can now be set to be logarithmic, unlike before, where it could only be linear Default linear on left, logarithmic on right Used through ef_graphsetzaxis()
Log Z-axis and EML The z-axis logarithmic/linear scale control is sent through the tags – tags have a numberstyle attribute which controls the scale of a graph This is interpreted through an with direction of “z” and a numberstyle of “4”
Short Title shortTitle in the tag – i.e., This allows for the a smaller title to be shown when the graph becomes too small to display the normal title – The top graph is large enough to show the entire title, while the bottom one is small enough to show a shortened smaller title
Short Title and EML Short title was added to the EML through an attribute in the tag – now has an attribute called shortTitle, which specifies the short title This is generated by elvislib when a shortTitle is specified
Gridlines It is now possible to add gridlines to normal graphs using ef_setxgrid and ef_setygrid Examples of their effect can be seen above (no gridlines on left, gridlines on right)
Gridlines and EML Gridlines are shown through the showGridlines attribute on the axis tag – This can be “true” or “false”, and is generated by elvislib accordingly
Multiple ElVis Displays More than one server and/or filename – A filename beginning with '/' or '.' – A hostname or IP – localhost (uses the current computer as the host) – stderr or stdout – filegen automatically generates a filename with PID, application name, and username
Multiple ElVis Displays, contd. Changes in code: – In graphwindow.c: ef_initialize() now handles ElVis output environment variable exclusively initialize() was changed to use an index to find a certain output an index to find a certain output ef_GraphWindowSendEML() now loops through all outputs, sends EML to each – In binio.c: binio_set_gwFile() added to set gwfile in binio.c Challenges: – The mechanism for sending output to a file had to be circumvented with binio_set_gwFile() – All other uses of environment variables removed or changed
Acknowledgments Doug McCune, TRANSP developer, my mentor Eliot Feibush – ElVis creator and developer, my mentor Andrew Zwicker, Christine Ritter, James Morgan – PPPL Science Education Program Eric Zatz – ElVis Display-side EML Developer
Ben – API, EML Mike Movie Making User Enhancements Tutorials Eric Zatz -CPPG summer undergrad ElVis Mark-Up Language Matt System & Services Eliot - Mentor Doug – Mentor CPPG Group Head