National Chi Nan University A Brief Introduction to LISP ( Locator/ID Separation Protocol ) Speaker: Dennis (Shu-Cheng Li)
National Chi Nan University Outline Introduction Definition of terms Overview Mapping Header Format Use Cases Conclusion 2
National Chi Nan University Introduction 現今的網際網路 (Internet) 架構是在 1970 年代所發 展出來的,隨時代的演變,網際網路的需求與當 時的設計有著很顯著的差異。 目前的 IP 位址架構設計是將位址同時當作網路節 點的身分辨識 (Identifier) 與所屬的網路位址 (Locator) 。 這樣的設計方式主要的問題在於無法有效的解決 網路節點的移動性 (Mobility) 、多重歸屬 (Multihoming) 、與路由表的擴充性 (Scalable Routing) 等議題。 3
National Chi Nan University Introduction Cont. 為了解決上述議題,許多研究單提出 ID 與 Locator 分離的概念 – AKARI Project – ITU-T Study Group 13 – Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) – Host Identity Protocol (HIP) – SHIM6 其中 LISP 技術的特色是考量現有的網路架構下去設 計的,並且已經實作在 Cisco Router 上 4
National Chi Nan University Definition of terms Ingress Tunnel Router(ITR) – An ITR is a LISP site edge device that receives packets from site facing interface and encapsulates them to remote LISP sites. Egress Tunnel Router(ETR) – An ITR is a LISP site edge device that receives packets from core facing interface and de- encapsulates LISP packets and delivers them to local EIDs at the site. 5
National Chi Nan University Definition of terms Cont. Map Server(MS) – A MS is a device that ETRs register to with their EID prefixes. The MS advertises aggregates for the registered EID prefixes in to the LISP mapping system. Map Resolver(MR) – A MR is a device that ITRs send LISP map request queries when resolving EID to RLOC mappings. 6
National Chi Nan University LISP Overview 7
National Chi Nan University LISP Overview Cont. 8
National Chi Nan University LISP Forwarding 9
National Chi Nan University Mapping Lookup 10
National Chi Nan University Mapping Mechanism 映射系統 LISP-NERDLISP-ALTLISP-DHTLISP-FIRMS 映射資訊的存取模式 PushPull Hybrid Overlay Network 架構 FlatHierarchy 所需儲存的映射資訊量多少少中 查詢延遲低中中低 更新延遲高低低高 11
National Chi Nan University LISP-ALT 12
National Chi Nan University LISP Header Format 13
National Chi Nan University LISP Header Format Cont. 14
National Chi Nan University LISP Use Cases 1. Efficient Multi-Homing 2. IPv6 Transition Support 3. Data Center/VM Mobility 4. Efficient Virtualization/Multi-Tenancy 5. LISP Mobile-Node 15
National Chi Nan University IPv6 Transition Support 16
National Chi Nan University LISP Mobile-Node 17
National Chi Nan University LISP Summary 18
National Chi Nan University Conclusion It does not require extra hardware and hence, the cost of implementation will be very less. Also, since no new hardware is required, the transition can be very smooth. There is more flexibility in the network. The number of addresses that needs to be advertised is low too. The overhead will increase with new headers getting appended to the messages that will impact packet processing. 19
National Chi Nan University Reference [1]Alantalkstech, Locator ID Seperation Protocol (LISP) transition to IPv6, [2]IETF Vancouver, Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Tutorial, 7.pdf, December 2007 [3]Cisco, Locator/ID Separation Protocol Overview, August 2011 [4] VARUN JAIN, A STUDY OF LOCATOR ID SEPARATION PROTOCOL, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri--Kansas City,