STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - EDUCNET as a network
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - EDUCNET, the French national ICT site EducNet aims at the educational world
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - A tool for promoting and helping implement the national policy, run by SDTICE inform about national decisions help the teams who organize and promote help end-users (teachers, heads…) Up to visits a month : EDUCNET, the French national ICT site
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - A tool for promoting and helping implement the national policy In the field of Primary school (Académies, départements ans towns) Secondary school (Académies and départements) University (within the universities’ projects) EDUCNET, the French national ICT site
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - A tool for several human networks for publishing nationally on the Political level (ministry and académies) Pedagogical level teaching subjects (elementary & secondary) EDUCNET, the French national ICT site
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The political LEVEL : The national ICTE project
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The national ICTE project A set of projects to foster the use of ICTE in accordance to RE/SO2007 Infrastructures and Services Digital Resources Uses in ICTE Training and Support A team of experts at the ministry
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The political LEVEL: The network in the Académies (regions)
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The Académies In the Académies, ICTE Advisors (CTICE) advise the Recteur on ICTE development through three-year development plans act to foster the development of ICTE in partnership with regional authorities (Conseils Régionaux) Lycées depend financially on C.R. Départements (Conseils Généraux, towns) Collèges depend financially on C.G., schools on townhalls
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - In each Académie (Regional level): The Académies One ICTEA (CTICE) One web server with a ICTE area Actions and structures for ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Each Académie structures its networks Teacher training : through the intervention of IUFMs (Institutes for Teacher Training) Support to schools : Regional support teams & Resource Centers (pedagogical, technical help) Local correspondents in secondary schools A little financial help on projects The Académies
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Pedagogical LEVEL: Innovative practice in ICTE (usages des TIC dans l’éducation)
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Innovative practice in ICTE Two national networks to spot and promote innovative practice The Primary School network The teaching subject network …and their sites
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The Primary School network A team of 3 persons at national level A network of ICTE inspectors + national co-ordinator PrimTICE : A Primary database to describe and categorize innovative practice 1/ 1/ Innovative practice in ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The Secondary School network (1) A team of national co-ordinators 1 Correspondent in each Académie for each teaching subject Constant distant work and frequent meetings Innovative practice in ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The Secondary School network (2) 17 individual subject sites with totally royalty-free data + sites in the Académies subject practice databases Many thematic sites, permanent or temporary A subject newsletter, Tic’Edu Innovative practice in ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - The Secondary School network (3) subject practice databases : Edu’Bases Académies promote their own practice on their regional sites Educnet promotes the Académies’ data Innovative practice in ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Virtual communities In complement to the subject and thematic sites, many mailing lists have arised, a number of which are hosted by Educnet Innovative practice in ICTE
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Transversal Documentation & information
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Transversal Documentation SDTICE teams produce documents directly usable by end users (co-ordinators, teachers, school headmasters…) in the fields related to the SDTICE programs in the field of law in the field of recent news in the world of ICTE, thanks to a team of documentalists and Marie-Louise LECLAIR, the webmaster of EDUCNET.
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Educnet the server
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - A tool for collaborative publishing under ZOPE Plone (soon) + databases A small team for integration, assistance and training A growing number of distant contributors EDUCNET, the server
STSI / SDTICE EDUCNET as a network - Thank you for your attention Educnet as a network EDUCNET, the French national ICT site