SIUE Injury Tracking System Project Plan
Team Members: Robbie Marsh Robbie Marsh –Project Manager/Webmaster Ken Metcalf Ken Metcalf –Lead Programmer Julie Ostrander Julie Ostrander –Systems Analyst Tamae Buechler Tamae Buechler –Systems Architect
Purpose: Create a more efficient method of tracking student athlete’s information Create a more efficient method of tracking student athlete’s information Consolidating the two current databases into one relational database Consolidating the two current databases into one relational database Create a PDA application that will streamline data entry into the system Create a PDA application that will streamline data entry into the system Create a user friendly interface Create a user friendly interface
Project Plan: Process Plan Process Plan Organization Plan Organization Plan Test Plan Test Plan Change Management Plan Change Management Plan Documentation Plan Documentation Plan
Project Plan: (…cont.) Training Plan Training Plan Review and Reporting Plan Review and Reporting Plan Installation and Operation Plan Installation and Operation Plan Risk Management Plan Risk Management Plan
Lifecycle Model: Requirements Analysis Architectural Design Detailed Design Coding and Debugging System Testing
Process Plan: Definition Process Definition Process Design Process Design Process Programming Process Programming Process System Test Process System Test Process
Definition Process: Analysis Analysis Modeling Modeling Requirements Elicitation Requirements Elicitation Project Plan Project Plan Contract Contract
Design Process: Design Operational Programs Design Operational Programs Refine Project Plan Refine Project Plan
Programming Process: Each programmer should thoroughly test the module they programmed. Each programmer should thoroughly test the module they programmed. All modules should be test in conjunction with each other to ensure the system will perform as noted in the system specifications. All modules should be test in conjunction with each other to ensure the system will perform as noted in the system specifications. All test cases for each module and for the system as a whole must be well documented so that system maintenance can be done in a timely manner. All test cases for each module and for the system as a whole must be well documented so that system maintenance can be done in a timely manner.
Risk Management Plan: Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Risk Identification Risk Identification Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Risk Prioritization Risk Prioritization Risk Control Risk Control Risk-Management Plan Risk-Management Plan Risk Resolution Risk Resolution Risk Monitoring Risk Monitoring
Organization Plan: Objective Objective Team Responsibilities Team Responsibilities Basic Organization Basic Organization
Basic Organization Chart: Joe Grant Upper Management Robbie Marsh Project Manager Ken Metcalf Lead Programmer Julie Ostrander Systems Analyst Tamae Buechler Systems Architect11 Dan Stephens Client
Definition Process Chart: Julie Ostrander Systems Analyst Robbie Marsh Project Manager Tamae Buechler Systems Architect Ken Metcalf Lead Programmer Dan Stephens Client
Design Process Chart: Tamae Buechler Systems Architect Robbie Marsh Project Manager Ken Metcalf Lead Programmer Julie Ostrander Systems Analyst
Programming Process Chart: Ken Metcalf Lead Programmer Robbie Marsh Project Manager Julie Ostrander Systems Analyst Tamae Buechler Systems Architect
System Test Process Chart: Ken Metcalf Lead Tester Tamae Buechler Systems Architect Robbie Marsh Project Manager Julie Ostrander Systems Analyst
Test Plan: Objective Objective Module Test Module Test Integration Test Integration Test System Test System Test Acceptance Test Acceptance Test Site Test Site Test Common Test Facilities Common Test Facilities
Module Test: Module Test Objectives Module Test Objectives Module Test Responsibility Module Test Responsibility All programmers All programmers Module Test Procedures Module Test Procedures The assigned programmer The assigned programmer The programmer The programmer The entire team The entire team Module Test Tools Module Test Tools No special tools will be used. No special tools will be used.
Integration Test: Integration test Objectives Integration test Objectives Integration Test Responsibility Integration Test Responsibility All programmers All programmers Integration Test Procedures Integration Test Procedures The assigned programmer The assigned programmer The programmer The programmer The entire team The entire team Integration Test Tools Integration Test Tools
System Test: System Test Objectives System Test Objectives System Test Responsibility System Test Responsibility System Test Procedures System Test Procedures System Test Tools System Test Tools
Acceptance Test: Acceptance Test Objectives Acceptance Test Objectives Acceptance Test Responsibility Acceptance Test Responsibility Acceptance Test Procedures Acceptance Test Procedures Acceptance Test Tools Acceptance Test Tools
Site Test: Site Test Objectives Site Test Objectives Site Test Responsibility Site Test Responsibility All members of the team All members of the team Site Test Procedures Site Test Procedures Site Test Tools Site Test Tools
Common Test Facilities: Desktop Systems Desktop Systems Operating systems Operating systems
Change Management Plan Change Proposal Investigating a Proposed Change Implementing a Change Documenting a Change
Change Management Plan Change Proposal Change Proposal -Change # -Requester of the change -Date of requested change -Requested change -Reasons for the requested change -Modules impacted by the requested change -Analysis of the requested change on the system development
Change Management Plan Change Proposal (cont.) Change Proposal (cont.)-Approval -Client signature and date -Project member signatures and date -Upper Management signature and date -Disapproval -Reason for disapproval -Signature and date of who disapproved the requested change
Change Management Plan Change Investigation Report Change Investigation Report -Summary of proposed change - Originator’s name and organization -Classification of the change -Impact on costs, schedules, other programs -Recommendations
Change Management Plan Implementing a Change Implementing a Change-Approvals-Documentation
Change Management Plan Approval page following submission of an update Approval page following submission of an update -SIUE Injury Tracking System -Project Plan -Version 1.0 -John Smith, Upper management -Signature, Version 2.0 -J.S.,
Change Management Plan Update Baseline Documents Update Baseline Documents -Requirements Analysis Document -System Design Document -Object Design Document -Client Contract
Documentation Plan Requirements Analysis Document Requirements Analysis Document Project Plan Project Plan Change Proposal Change Proposal Client Contract Client Contract System Design Document System Design Document Object Design Document Object Design Document Ethical Considerations Ethical Considerations
Documentation Plan Coding Algorithms Coding Algorithms Test Documentation Test Documentation User Manual User Manual Help Menu Help Menu Customer Review Customer Review Project History Project History Documentation Index Documentation Index
Training Plan: Internal Training Internal Training –Technical Coding Languages Coding Languages Palm Software Palm Software Database Formats Database Formats External Training External Training –Installing the software –Using the new software application
Installation and Operation Plan: Installation Installation –Responsibility –Schedule –Migration –Data Entry
Installation and Operation Plan: (Cont.) Operation Operation –Responsibility for Operation –Responsibility for Maintenance
Resources and Deliverables Plan: Manpower Manpower Computer Resources Computer Resources Delivery Schedule Delivery Schedule –Testing