How to Make a Good Presentation Grade 8 Hyuk Jun Kim
Font Font in a good presentation should be easy to read. To be easy to read, it should be different colour from the background colour. The font size is also very important factor. The font size should be big enough to read without any problem and the size should also be constant.
Image Image helps audience to easily understand the topic. However, the image should be related to the topic of presentation. For instance, if my presentation is about cars, This is a appropriate image. This is not a appropriate image.
Background Background helps us to attract attentions of audience but, there are few things to avoid for the background. Background colour shouldn’t be similar to font colour. I makes recognizing text very hard. If you want to use background as a image, the image should be related to the topic.
Animations One of the advantage of Microsoft PowerPoint is that it helps us to use animations. Animations makes presentation looks better. However, when it is used in wrong spot or timing, it looks very awful. For instance, the text appearing before the title did. Like this slide.
Animation 2 Also when there is too many animations, it keeps audiences’ attention away from the presentation. Like this slide. When the time of the animation is set too high, it delays the presentation. So it is very important to use animation appropriately.
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