@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Research TV - A Tool for Research and Learning Leif Laaksonen CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd NORDUnet2000
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Agenda What does it mean to be virtual and digital? What do the scientists need to feel comfortable in their work? What does it mean to learn and can the learning process be improved (pragmatic approach)?
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Future is not what it used to be... Computers used to be used for calculations (very small user base, mostly scientists). Computers started to be used for turning information to knowledge (PC age). Computers are used for communication (the age of masses).
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Future Wireless (we all move, dont we) Virtual (life is converting to bits) Personal digital assistants (PDA) Personal agents to turn information into knowledge Information, knowledge and learning will be delivered from the same kiosk
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Combining information, knowledge & learning Information ecology –survival of information and media Knowledge –sustained archives/digital preservation Learning landscapes –flexible and intuitive learning environments Information and knowledge are human creations
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Virtual University, combining research and educational resources Laboratory, combining research resources and equipments Library, combining the knowledge resources to be used over the global network!
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Characteristics of a virtual world Geography, the metaphor of connected places. Identity, the way we present ourselves. Communication and awareness mechanism to suit styles and groupings. Community, to develop for the inhabitants B.A. Nardi & V.L. ODay Information Ecologies, 1999
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Take as an example DigiTV A multiplex of channels –4 – 5 digital channels –Uses about 30 Mbps The interactive services are not yet very well defined not to mention the implementation. Very few terminals to receive the broadcast available.
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Academic networks n * 155 Mbps connections both national and international. Networks Multicast enabled at least USA – Europe (needs still improvements). Lots of H.261/MPEG-1 terminals available. Universities have a lot of content but can it be turned into useful material?
@Leif Laaksonen/ Kalvon nimi 24*7 hours of lectures BBC News 24
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 FUNET-TV a channel into the research and education in Finland
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 FUNET-TV is the joint development project of CSC and the Finnish Universities. Its purpose is to produce Internet networked multimedia services to the Funet network, that support the research, study and learning in the Finnish universities. FUNET TV contains the following services: –transmission of live video –transmission of video conferences –video on demand (VoD) material that has been stored in the media archives –storage for digital material
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 FUNET-TV is an effort to combine real time video broadcasting (RealMedia, H.261, MPEG-1, MPEG-2) using an IP network, high quality videoconferencing (H.261, H.323, MPEG-2) over IP and video on demand, VoD, (MPEG-1, MPEG-2) including storage for digital material to everybodys desk.
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 FUNET-TV studio
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Free FVC.COM I-TV Viewer: H.261, H263, MPEG1, MPEG2 (?), Win/Mac Free FVC.COM I-TV Viewer: H.261, H263, MPEG1, MPEG2 (?), Win/Mac FUNET-TV GUI
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Collaborative computing using NetMeeting H.323 Standards: H.323, video and audio T.120, application sharing
@Leif Laaksonen/2000
@Leif Caltech with CERN WebUniversity
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 with CERN Version 2.5 in production in Fall 2000: Mbone clients and H.323 clients in the same Virtual Room Sharing of desktop service (integration of VNC) Remote control of video camera User can choose his reflector when is machine is not registered in the Domain Name Service The VRVS profile is automatically re-synchronized when a laptop is connected from another location One new MPEG2 Virtual Room
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Lecture session active...
@Leif Laaksonen/2000
Enterprise Forum Video on demand server at CSC Video on demand server at CSC Lecture notes Lecture notes
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Would it be possible to agree on a science video portal including live lectures, seminars and conferences build a science video on demand service using metadata support interactive video conferencing over country and discipline borders
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 continue... a scientific interactive digital TV channel (not just a digital version of the current analog TV world) get people interested in content creation solve the involved copyright issues
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Problems involved Multicast networks are not very reliable (no performance problems). Very few good Multicast clients available, even less free clients. Problems with the Multicast implementation of MPEG-1 (I-TV and IP/TV). What are the extra services added to video/audio? We are competing for the same prime time as for example MusicTV does.
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Comments and suggestions are welcome to Thank you!
@Leif Laaksonen/2000 Links Video and Streaming over the Internet by Yuri Demchenko at Terena The ResearchChannel at University of Washington SURFnet-TV FUNET-TV