MSESP Grantee Webinar October 4, 2011
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Report on DOL Site Visit in September Getting to know you…. Grantee Presentation: Workforce Development, Inc. Report on ARRA Institute Getting to know you…. Grantee Presentation: Central Lakes College Other Grantee Updates Other Updates – RAD, etc. Next Meeting
DOL Site Visit Report Reports from sites visited Participant File Review Data Practices/EEO – make sure it is signed and in file for every participant File checklist to be developed Supportive services policy Revised Participant Registration form RAD registrations and updates Other
Grantee Presentation Workforce Development, Inc. – Becky Thofson
ENHANCING THE ENERGY INDUSTRY PATHWAY TO EMPLOYMENT Jumpstarting the Energy Industry in Southeast Minnesota Workforce Development, Inc.
PARTNERS: Workforce Development, Inc. – Rochester Southern Minnesota Joint Apprenticeship Training Consortium IBEW Local Union #343 Riverland Community College Electrical Contractors across Southeast and South Central MN
Project Components: Pre-employment Trades Academy at the IBEW Training Center Solar Installer Certificate program at Riverland Community College for licensed electricians Electrical Contractor workshops on adding solar installations to their business mix
Pre-employment Trades Academy Recruitment through WFC and IBEW Silver level National Career Readiness Certificate 20 hours training on site at IBEW Training facility Emphasis on safety training 10 hour OSHA certification Referral back to WFC for jobsearch assistance and OJT opportunity
Pre-employment Trades Academy
First class in August 12 started the class – 8 finished Apprenticeship curriculum from IBEW and Construction Trades heavily based on safety and the culture of construction One OJT in progress with Water Filtration Company Lessons learned: Formal feedback process for the Academy Orientation session at the Workforce Center OJT information session during the Academy
Solar Installer Certificate Program 22 credit program at Riverland Community College Tuition scholarships available for 20 students Evening and online classes for working electricians Recruitment to electrical contractors within 70 mile radius of Albert Lea Orientation/registration session September 28th Classes begin October 3rd
Contractor Solar Business Workshops Intended as an introduction to the Solar industry for contractors Including hands-on introduction to solar equipment A business model to assist contractors with the decision about entering the solar market Workshops will be held this winter
CONTACT INFORMATION: Becky Thofson Workforce Development, Inc
Report on ARRA Institute in DC Leveraged Resources Reporting Incumbent Worker Placement ETA’s definition of Entered Employment includes individuals who are employed when they begin training and enter a new position of employment after program completion, even if the new position is with the same employer, as long as the individuals utilize the competency or competencies they acquired through grant-funded education/job training in their new position. How to define “new position of employment”? Narrative Report – Report on number of incumbent workers who have completed training, but have NOT entered a new position of employment
Grantee Presentation Central Lakes College – Rebecca Best; Kori Busho
Central Lakes College Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Training
The goal of this project was to provide short-term job readiness and industry specific information to dislocated and incumbent workers. The curriculum was designed and driven by industry leaders. Participants engaged in assessment, career counseling, case management, classroom training, and internships intended to increase the success in retro green construction and renewable energy manufacturing and sales with help from our industry partners and Rural MN CEP.
Classroom training consisted of the following: Technical Math Oral communications Written Communications Business/Ethics Basic Computer Skills Tools and Tool Safety (10 hour OSHA) Intro to Green & Retro Green Construction Into to Renewable & Sustainable Energy Residential Energy Auditor Energy Sales
We had 31 participants attend a variety of the training sessions, five dislocated workers and 26 incumbent workers. After completion of the classroom training, we had four dislocated workers working in internships with industry partners. One dislocated worker declined the internship opportunity.
Other Grantee Updates Let us know what is happening with your MSESP project
Other Updates RAD Update Make sure that you update your participants in RAD ○ Training ○ Credentials ○ Placements ○ Supportive Services Example: June reports showed 129 receiving support services – only 8 reported in RAD
Next Grantee Webinar Tuesday, November 1 10:00 AM Presenters: Dakota County Technical College City of St. Paul