The Seven Pillars of Networking Success Turnkey systems are the engine of the Networking Revolution.
PILLAR # 1 – Never Give Up Do the work, and your business will grow. It may take years! There will be setbacks and disappointments along the way. But if you stay the course, you will reach your goal.
PILLAR # 2 – Find A Mentor Network marketing is based on the sponsorship principle. The person who recruited you into the business – your sponsor – is in charge of training and leading you. But your sponsor may not always be qualified for the job. Don’t be shy. Keep searching until you’ve found the right mentor.
PILLAR # 3 – Work The System The very fact that your company is successful means that its systems have proven themselves in the marketplace. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. But, as the old saying goes, you must learn to follow before you can lead.
PILLAR # 4 – Tell Your Story Network marketers tell a different type of tale. They talk about themselves, their lives, and their goals, dreams, and aspirations. Your personal story is critical in inspiring him to follow you.
PILLAR # 5 – Keep It Simple The key to network marketing is duplication. You persuade people to join your downline by convincing them that they can duplicate what you or your sponsor is doing.
PILLAR # 6 – Sift and Sort Don’t waste time begging people to join your business. Reluctant prospects make poor distributors, even if you succeed in signing them up. The people you want are those who are ready, willing, and able to start work now. A small but consistent percentage of your prospects will fit this category. Keep on looking until you find them.
PILLAR # 7 – Support Your Downline Just as you relied on a mentor to get you started, your downline will rely on you. The more training and support you give to your recruits, the better they will perform. Leadership, in network marketing, is about making sure that the people you recruit have a good experience in your company and that they make money. You accomplish this by helping them sponsor other people and teaching them the lessons your mentor taught you.
Deceptively Simple To the businessmen, these seven principles may appear simple and naïve. But the fact is, they work. They apply to every business situation you will encounter in network marketing.