The Four-Year Career Plan™ Building Wealth Through Residual Income
The Retirement Paradigm Most of us are on a financial collision course when it comes to our golden retirement years. And we are in denial!
Living in denial? We live payday to payday and because we can cover our minimum payments we think we’re doing okay. We don’t pay attention to where we are going to be in 10 years, or when/if we ever muster up the courage to retire.
Most people go through life dedicating themselves to their career and family. They sacrifice and postpone everything they love to do until retirement.
People mistakenly go through life thinking they will need less money when they retire than they need today. Unless you plan to spend your golden years sitting around, making minimum payments and just getting by, you will need much more!
The traditional 40-year career no longer exists. The average person changes jobs at least 7 times during their career. Some change their entire career several times. The ruling paradigm is to work 40 years to retire on 1/3 of what wasn’t even enough during those 40 years.
When was the last time you sat down and figured out the following? How long will you live? When do you want to retire? How many years does that give you to finance your retirement? How much do you want to make monthly in retirement? Do you want to make less than you do now?
The average American lifespan is 75 years. Social Security and Medicaid were set up to kick in during our early 60s, back when the average lifespan was only 65. How much will it cost you to survive those extra 10 years? Between $500,000 and $1,000,000!
Long Life……………………………………… Long Life………………………………………. 90 Retirement Age……………………………… 65 Age Now……………………………………….. 55 Years Left to Finance Retirement………10 Retirement Assets Needed………………. $2,000,000 Retirement Assets Now…………………… $500,000 Income Desired at Retirement…………. $100,000/year Amount of Nest Egg Missing……………. $1,500,000 Years to Accumulate Nest Egg…………. 10 Need to Save for Next 10 Years……….. $150,000/year after taxes What is your plan?
What if you could work 4 years to build financial freedom for the next 40 years… and beyond?
The Four-Year Career Plan™ Choose an income-producing occupation that allows you to: Earn immediate income to pay the bills now. Stack up future income save and invest $3,000 - $5,000 per month for retirement. Get residual income flowing for financial freedom!
The Network Marketing Perception Why do most people get involved? They love the products. They like the person who introduced them to the business. They like hanging around other networkers and participating in the organization. They spend a lot of time batting it around, and don’t pursue it with a passionate commitment or vision.
The Network Marketing Perception Why don’t many people get involved? They have mislabeled and misunderstand what it is that we do. Selling Pyramid scheme Bait and switch
The Network Marketing Perception How big is Network Marketing? US sales in 2003 of more than $30 billion; $100 billion worldwide. 13 million distributors in US; 40 million worldwide. Has grown every single year for the past 20 years, jumping 91% just in the past 10. In the US each week about 175,000 new people get involved, plus another 300,000 around the world.
The Network Marketing Perception So, what’s the challenge? Even in the face of all that success, most people don’t understand how Network Marketing works.
The Network Marketing Perception What does Network Marketing really have to offer? Exceptional Products The #1 reason people get involved. Immediate Income Extra money to pay bills or buy something special. Residual Income Something you can build once; step away from and the money still keeps flowing.
Direct Sales vs. Network Marketing Direct Sales Network Marketing • Full-time super sales • Sometimes satisfied customers • Protected territories • No territories • Employees • Volunteers • Performance quotas • No quotas • Professionals with a lot to lose…their JOB!
Cornerstone 1: The People Direct Sales vs. Network Marketing Traditional Direct Sales requires a few people to do a lot each. Network Marketing is a lot of people doing a little bit each.
Cornerstone 1: The People Direct Sales Network Marketing 100 sales reps 10,000 distributors x $10,000 sales quota x $100 redirected spending = = $1,000,000 $1,000,000
“I’d rather have 1% of the efforts According to J. Paul Getty… “I’d rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 men, than 100% of the effort of one.”
So, how do you get 1,000 people in your organization? You don’t…you just get 4 and they do the same! Sponsoring Law 1: Anyone can, and should, sponsor others. Sponsoring Law 2: Sponsoring creates geometric progression.
Geometric Progression…Do the math! You get 4. Your 4 get their 4. Those 4 get their 4. And so on… 4 16 64 256 1,024
Double a penny each day for 30 days… …it becomes over 5 MILLION DOLLARS!
Compound (work) it every other day… …it only adds up to $163.84!
Cornerstone 1: The People Belief is the key! Focus your attention and your prospects’ attention on just seeing and believing you/they can get their first 4.
Cornerstone 2: The Sales If everyone is sponsoring, who will sell the products? The answer is obvious…EVERYBODY! Remember the Network Marketing model a lot of people doing a little bit each.
Find 4 leaders who stick to it. In reality, most distributors need to sponsor 40-100 people to find 4 leaders. Leaders are not just anyone you sign up; they are the best of the best.
A product line that supports redirected spending. Find your favorites and use your experience with those products to recommend them to others. The average family can easily redirect their spending to use $100+ worth of products monthly. Buy here, instead of there.
If each of your 4 leaders used $100 per month and $200 total sales from the best of the best. If each of your 4 leaders used $100 per month and just found a couple of customers to use $50 per month, each leader would be using and recommending $200 monthly. Distributor uses 2 Customers each use $100 per month $50 per month = = $100 + $100 TOTAL SALES = $200 per month
Cornerstone 3: The Money Every MLM company has a comp plan that pays you on most if not all of the people in your group. Payout is typically 35-45% of wholesale. Within the first 5 years, you can expect to earn 8-10% on new sales. After 5 years or so of inactivity, those earnings could drop to 3-5%.
Cornerstone 3: The Money If your total group is producing $100,000 to $200,000 a month in sales, you may earn $100,000 a year in royalties. 1,000 distributors x $200 sales each x 5% = $10,000 per month.
Cornerstone 4: The Asset Any financial planner will tell you that if you own something that earns you $10,000 a month, it is an income-producing asset worth far more.
Traditional income-producing assets: Real estate that earns you $10,000 a month is worth upwards of $2,000,000. Stocks, bonds, etc. earning dividends and appreciation can be worth even more.
The trouble with relying on to provide financial security. traditional investments is that they require time to produce enough income to provide financial security.
How long, and at what rate of investment, would it take to amass $1,000,000 in rental real estate? It could easily take a lifetime of sacrifice, risk and management. This $1,000,000 in rental real estate might earn you $5,000 a month. OR…
Years it will take to earn $50,000 annually. Invest $1,000 once, plus 10-20 hours a week for 4-5 years to earn the same in residual income. Real Estate Buying, Selling & Reinvesting Equities Saving & Investing MLM …Financial Freedom! 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Years it will take to earn $50,000 annually.
The real value of an effectively built Network Marketing empire is the residual nature of the income. How do you know it’s residual?
The Four-Year Career 4 16 64 256 YOU 1,024 $800 $40 $3,200 $160 $12,800 $640 256 $51,200 $2,560 YOU x $200 x 5% 1,024 $204,800 $10,240
Built in the right way, with the right company, your MLM income should: – Continue to flow steadily, regardless of your personal involvement Critical Mass. Last a lifetime and beyond!
The question is not how long will it last, but rather how far and how fast will it grow!
Building it right… The company you choose must stay in business for as long as you want the money to flow. You and your people will need to respect, admire and trust the company and its leaders.
Building it right… The products and/or services need to be high quality, high value and in demand for decades. Fad, “sizzle” products are great for growth spurts, but rarely are people buying them 20 years from now.
Building it right… You will personally need to: Be a leader by profession and encourage many in your group to do so as well. Believe in, respect and admire the MLM wealth-building model. Believe in yourself and your value to others.
A Few Questions to Ask Yourself… How much money would you need to earn and save to create several million dollars in equity in real estate and stocks?
A Few Questions to Ask Yourself… How many years would it take you to save it?
A Few Questions to Ask Yourself… How many years do you have left until you really will have or want or need that level of financial freedom?
A Few Questions to Ask Yourself… Are you willing to invest the same amount of time most people spend watching television over the next 4 years to get it?