“Effective Marketing and Outreach” US Department of Labor H1B Grantee Conference December 2, 2003 InspiriTec, Inc.
InspiriTec Inspiring work Through Technology A “Social Entrepreneurship” which exists to enable people with disabilities to go to work in information technology (IT) professions. Vocational Assessment, Training and Placement Vocational Assessment, Training and Placement Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Information Technology Services Information Technology Services LANs, Networks LANs, Networks Software Development Software Development Call Centers Call Centers 75% of InspiriTec employees are persons with disabilities
Workforce Investment Partners
Our H1B Project: An Overview Train American workers for hard-to-fill jobs Train American workers for hard-to-fill jobs Multiple employers; region wide Multiple employers; region wide “Employer Directed” “Employer Directed” Tiered employer match Tiered employer match Single Point of Contact: ITTC Single Point of Contact: ITTC Target People with Disabilities: 70% unemployment rate Target People with Disabilities: 70% unemployment rate
Employers Clients Training Providers H1-B Project InspiriTec ITTCs (H1B Entry Level) (Typically Entry Level) Ideal trainee progression Likely progression of clients/employees Entry-level replacement
Project Goals: Numbers to be Served 75 Incumbent workers with disabilities 75 Incumbent workers with disabilities 100 Unemployed people with disabilities 100 Unemployed people with disabilities 125 Unemployed people and incumbent workers without disabilities 125 Unemployed people and incumbent workers without disabilities
InspiriTec H-1B Project Results TaskGoalResult % Exceeded Train incumbent workers with or without disabilities % Train incumbent workers with disabilities % Train and place 100 persons with disabilities into new IT jobs %
A Model Responding to Regional H1B IT Workforce Demands H-1B Visas InspiriTec Trainings Leading IT Work Categories #%#% Programming/Software Eng. 2, % % Technical Support/Admin. 1, % % Network Design/Admin. 1, % % Database Dev./Admin %402.80% Web Dev./Admin % % Enterprise Systems % % Other110.00% % Totals5, %1, %
Location of H1B Trainees Served
Strategic Planning “ The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. It involves defining a clear company mission, setting supportive objectives, designing a sound business portfolio, and coordinating functional strategies.”
Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Segmentation bases Segmentation bases Geographic Geographic Demographics - employee size, IT utilization, progressive, disability focus Demographics - employee size, IT utilization, progressive, disability focus H1B utilization H1B utilization Program developed to the needs of region’s employers using constant feedback loop Program developed to the needs of region’s employers using constant feedback loop Message tested and refined with diverse companies Message tested and refined with diverse companies
Go-to-Market Strategy Single Point of Contact Single Point of Contact ITTC role ITTC role Channel Marketing Channel Marketing Organizations tapped to help disseminate the program offering Organizations tapped to help disseminate the program offering Co-Marketing Co-Marketing Partnered with others offering complementary services Partnered with others offering complementary services Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management Developed Systems Developed Systems
Go-to-market-strategy (con’t) Direct Marketing Direct Marketing From qualified mailing lists From qualified mailing lists Face-to-Face Presentations Face-to-Face Presentations Made to groups with potential interest Made to groups with potential interest Cold Calling Cold Calling After a media review of who was hiring, etc. After a media review of who was hiring, etc.
Stealth Marketing The best source of business is current clients The best source of business is current clients Every “non sales” call has already by-passed the corporate sales defenses Every “non sales” call has already by-passed the corporate sales defenses Every person in a client organization is a buyer, know it or not Every person in a client organization is a buyer, know it or not Every person in YOUR organization is a salesperson, know it or not Every person in YOUR organization is a salesperson, know it or not Every call is a sales call Every call is a sales call Sell is not a four letter word Sell is not a four letter word
InspiriTec ITTC’s Manage Relationships with Key Partners Identify job openings Asses incumbent worker trainees Recommend training providers Certify accomplishment of outcomes Match training costs EMPLOYER Act as “account manager” Assess employer training needs Facilitate administrative process Conduct IT assessment Coordinate support services Track and report progress Act as “account manager” Assess employer training needs Facilitate administrative process Conduct IT assessment Coordinate support services Track and report progress ITTCs Refer job seekers Perform VR assessment Provide support services Provide assistive technology. REFERRAL AGENCIES Identify employer prospects Assess career path trainees Identify potential job seekers Orient ITTC’s to training services TRAINING PROVIDERS Identify employer prospects Identify potential job seekers Provide support services Identify employer prospects Identify potential job seekers Provide support services VR AGENCIES Identify potential job seekers Perform VR assessment Provide support services Provide assistive technology ONE STOPS
Employer Marketing Tactics Co-Marketing Co-Marketing Using training partners Using training partners Network Marketing Network Marketing Partnerships with groups serving defined population Partnerships with groups serving defined population Direct Marketing Direct Marketing From qualified mailing lists From qualified mailing lists Face-to-Face Presentations Face-to-Face Presentations With collateral material With collateral material Cold Calling Cold Calling After a media review of who was hiring After a media review of who was hiring InspiriTec Customers InspiriTec Customers
Lessons Learned Extensive lead time needed for employer- directed approach Extensive lead time needed for employer- directed approach Downturn in IT market requires resiliency Downturn in IT market requires resiliency Single Point of Contact (ITTC) a must Single Point of Contact (ITTC) a must Communication and approach should match employer’s style Communication and approach should match employer’s style Identification of disability a problem for companies Identification of disability a problem for companies Needed to work with both IT and HR staff Needed to work with both IT and HR staff Must be entrepreneurial-> market driven Must be entrepreneurial-> market driven Demonstrate credibility thru testimonials Demonstrate credibility thru testimonials Employer Directed Model keeps specific training real-job focused Employer Directed Model keeps specific training real-job focused
Case Study “Fleet Credit Card”
Case Study “The Sierra Group”
Applicant Recruitment Tactics Development of collateral marketing materials Development of collateral marketing materials Outreach to 43 Colleges and Universities Outreach to 43 Colleges and Universities Contacts with Agencies Serving Constituencies Contacts with Agencies Serving Constituencies Collaborate with other agencies serving people with disabilities, various training providers Collaborate with other agencies serving people with disabilities, various training providers