By: Mr. Wollenburg
What is Powerpoint? Powerpoint is a program developed by Microsoft for presentations. Slides are created, like this one, to visually show information and provide the presenter with key ideas.
Features Ribbon bar Data Graphics Formatting Animations Transitions Full screen Pretty colors!
Photos You can add images easily with powerpoint.
What about backgrounds? Did you know you can change the background of your slides?
Hyperlinking is cool Did you know: When you work on projects, you should hyperlink back to the source? Powerpoint can hyperlink, because hyperlinking is cool!hyperlinking is cool!
You can put Word and Excel files in a Powerpoint presentation!
Any questions?
Assignment WHAT?!?! Already?! You need to explore Powerpoint and create something, anything. Showing me what you already know about Powerpoint. This will help guide our Powerpoint lessons. Ohh! Is that all? Well, pfft! That is easy!!!