International Culture Project Mr. Cummings-Morrow
Visual Aid Visual Aid in the project should be in PowerPoint form The PowerPoint should consist of pictures and words explaining the Country
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Bullet Points A power point should contain no more than 3-6 bulletins/points You typically shouldn’t use sound or effect it depends on the presentation Short Quick To the POINT
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Arrangement Don’t overuse animations Try to avoid Cramming Info. Stick with a common theme throughout PowerPoint
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Attract Your Audience Spend quality time on content rather than on design. Select a Professional Style Font, Simple and able to be easily read Colors are important, select contrasting colors (Ex: white font on a black background) Picture what your audience will see or hear
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Avoid Reading Presentation Presentations shall be composed for the ear Short Sentences containing Action verbs Simple Grammar Become comfortable with material
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Design Use Bold or Italics for emphasis Avoid Busy Backgrounds NO ALL CAPS! Only on title page is it acceptable Leave Space between lines, easier for reader
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Slide Design (Continued) Keep typeface on slides the same Leave Space between lines, easier for reader Consistency w/ bulletin style
Visual Aid: PowerPoint Conclusion of PowerPoint Create Concluding Slide 3-5 summary Points Restate Main points Focus on Final Impressions
Visual Aid: PowerPoint In A Nut Shell: Consistency throughout PowerPoint Easy to read Font More content; Less animation Contrasting Colors Get Your Point Across