A Network Marketer’s Template for Creating a Target Audience Profile [name] [demographic] [goals] [and more]
Target Audience Profile Introduction Steps to Creating Your Profile An Example of a Completed Profile 1 3 Contents 2
Target Audience Profile Introduction 1
Why do we need a target audience profile? A target audience profile is a representation of your ideal customers. This is based on real data about customer demographics and online behavior, with some educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns thrown in to complete the profile. ?
How Are Target Audience Profiles Created? Target audience profiles are created through some research, surveys, and even interviews of people you believe are in your target audience. This may include a mix of folks, both “good” and “bad” prospects, and those outside of your contact database who might also align with your target audience. You’ll collect data that is both qualitative and quantitative to paint a clear picture of who your ideal target audience is, what they value, and how your solution fits into their daily lives. ?
Now Use This Template to Create Yours! I’ve created this handy-dandy PowerPoint – so you can quickly create your target audience profile in a palatable, organized format. This template will walk you through how to input and format the information you’ve collected about your target audience in a way that’s extremely easy for you to understand. Once your research is done, this then becomes the easy part! !
Steps to Creating Your Profile 2
Target Audience Name BACKGROUND: Basic details about their lifestyle Key information about their current situation (are they happy?) Relevant background info, like education and even hobbies DEMOGRAPHICS: Gender Age Range HH Income (Consider a spouse’s income, if relevant) Urbanicity (is your target urban, suburban, or rural?) IDENTIFIERS: Buzz words Mannerisms You can find this information by administering online surveys of your target audience.
GOALS: Your target’s primary life goal Their secondary life goal CHALLENGES: What’s the primary challenge to your target’s success? What’s the secondary challenge to their success? HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM: How you plan to solve your target’s challenges How you will help your target achieve their life goals Conduct interviews with your target audience to learn about their goals and challenges in more detail. Target Audience Name
REAL QUOTES: Include a few real quotes – taken during your interviews – that represent your target well. This will make it easier for you to relate to and understand your target audience. COMMON OBJECTIONS: Identify the most common objections your target audience may raise with regard to your MLM or Network Marketing offer. Identifying common objections will help you be better prepared during your interactions. Target Audience Name
MARKETING MESSAGE: How will you describe your solution to your target audience? YOUR ELEVATOR PITCH: This will make describing your solution (offer) simple and consistent for everyone in your target audience. How could you describe your offer in the time it takes to ride in an elevator? Establishing your messaging prepares you to always relay the same message to your target. Including a real photo from a free stock photo site to help you envision the actual person. Target Audience Name
An Example of a Complete Target Audience Profile 3
Sample Target Sally BACKGROUND: Head of Human Resources Worked at the same company for 10 years; worked her way up from HR Associate Married with 2 children (10 and 8) DEMOGRAPHICS: Skews female Age Dual HH Income: $140,000 Suburban IDENTIFIERS: Calm demeanor Somewhat receptive but cautious Often asks for more detailed information
Sample Target Sally GOALS: Get out of her high-stress job Work from home with her spouse CHALLENGES: Very limited knowledge of network marketing Nervous about leaving her job HOW YOU CAN HELP HER: Offer to help solve her problems along the way to her success Be there for her as a mentor and help her avoid unnecessary mistakes
Sample Target Sally REAL QUOTES: “It’s been difficult to remain excited about my job.” “I wan’t to have time to spend with my family while my kids are still young.” “I’m tired of my company telling me when I can take vacations, lunch breaks and telling me how much they think I’m worth.” COMMON OBJECTIONS: Worried that she won’t be a success online due to lack of understanding of MLM and network marketing. She doesn’t think that she has the time or money to invest in an online business.
Sample Target Sally MARKETING MESSAGE: “Sally, I will show you exactly the steps to take in order to be successful online, and will be there to help you and make sure that you succeed.” ELEVATOR PITCH: “Well, you know how most people say that they’d like to make more money? Well with my company, we provide all the training and support you need to be successful. People just love it and tell other people about it. When that happens, the company sends you a check in the mail for the rest of your life.” “That’s it. What do you think?”