Scientific Method
Dear Faculty and Staff, My name is Tyler Halford and I'm a student on this beautiful campus. This is merely a proposition and an offer for all of you if interested. I have a friend who recently introduced me to a health/ fruit drink that, if faithfully taken when required, has been found to have some very amazing and effective health results. He and his wife and I all three can attest to the fact that it does make us feel allot better through out our daily activities, with a "boost" of energy if you will. The basic bottom line key to the drink is a berry called the acai berry which grows in the Amazon forests. I basically just want this drink to be known to all who have an interest in looking for ways to improve healthily. The drink is called Mona Vie and your welcome to visit the home site for but, before you do, I just want to add one more thing that I'm not going to make any attempt to hide from you. My selling of this drink is part of a business I’m involved in. It’s a business known as network marketing, where in which if you get people to buy your product and they get people and so on, then it grows into a pyramid that eventually grows and accumulates for those higher up. People have marked Network Marketing with the nickname "pyramid schemes". So with that being said I just would like you all to know that there is a business opportunity involved IF INTERESTED. But my goal is to simply sale this product to you only because I know that it is a good health drink, not because I’m looking for people to jump into the business with. I’m telling you right now this isn’t one of those “get rich quick/ retire early” deals I’m trying to promote. If you’re at all interested, perhaps after visiting the site, let me know and I’ll be happy to try and answer any questions or provide any further information for you. Thanks! Tyler Halford
Scientific Method Ask a question Make a hypothesis Make a prediction using the hypothesis Test your prediction Analyze the results of your test –If prediction failed go back to step 2 –If prediction was true then retest hypothesis in a different way and publish
Scientific Claims For a scientific claim to gain acceptance it must fulfill two requirements 1)It is supported by reliable, reproducible observations 2)It can be explain in terms of a rational model
Reliability Results are published in a peer-reviewed journal
Reproducibility Does the experiment work the same way every time you set it up? Does it work when other people that are not associated with you set it up?
Model Nature follows certain reular patterns A model is mental picture which attempts to describe the features of a system. Based on known rational logic
Cause and effect Silicone breast implants Need for a Base line control experiment –Blind studies Can your claim be explained in a rational model Scientific Revolution –Extraordinary claims require extraorcinary proofs