Public Foundation «The Information future» … Only we can build the Global Information Society in Kyrgyzstan. PARTICULARITY OF KYRGYZ MODEL.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Foundation «The Information future» … Only we can build the Global Information Society in Kyrgyzstan. PARTICULARITY OF KYRGYZ MODEL

Who have founded and how? Who have founded? Kyrgyz business Main reasons why it was founded? We want to be a leaders in ICT area; Promoting the ICT we promote the economy and reduce poverty; We want to make our country “the information heart” of CA; We want to decrease the growing gap in the society and digital gap with other developed countries. When it was founded? 29 December 2003

About foundation - Strategies Mission: To promote and realize the economic, social, and human potential of the regions through the use of new information and communication technologies. Main idea: To make new information and communication technologies (ICT) an important and basic source of well-being and income for population. Strategic goal: To make Kyrgyzstan the “Informational Heart” of Central Asia and involve everyone in Kyrgyzstan in the digital lifestyle. Principal goal: Integrate all regional centers and villages in the information network of the country by means of creation of public information access centers, by 2007.

About foundation - Tasks Tasks: Establishment of public information access centers  Establish Public Internet Access Points ;  Install telephone lines in villages; Training rural population in new information and communication technologies Promote and advocate the need for the use of information and communication technologies in social and economic activity

About foundation - Principles Principles:  Transparency and openness  Accountability  Complexity  Impartiality  Accessibility and simplicity (clearness)  Effectiveness

About foundation – Management Supervisory Board – supreme controller; Supervisory board membership - 15 persons; Representatives – government bodies, private companies, international organization and civil society. Executive staff – 4 persons (Director, Coordinator, Assistant and Accountant)

Our model – is our success formula! Model of an establishment of Public Information Access Point: …we rest upon people Leadership Initiative “from below” Participation of local rural population Presence of business component Network marketing

Development and implementation stages First stage (March, ): Goal: Development of the information infrastructure of villages through establishment of public information access centers. Tasks: Тelephonization of non telephonized villages; Establishment of public Internet access points. Second stage (February, ): Goal: Training of the rural population and promotion of the need for the use of information and communication technologies in social and economic activity. Tasks: Creation of the methodical materials; Training in computer literacy and Internet; Creation of PR conception; Creation of the PR arrangement plan.

Development and implementation stages(2) Third stage ( ): Goal: Content development Tasks:R endering of services by way of public information access points. Fourth stage (from ∞ ): Goal: Outsourcing Development Tasks: Allocation of different orders in public information access points.

First stage - ( March, ) Goal : Establishment of public information access points: Task 1: Telephonization of non telephonized villages: There are 543 non telephonized villages - (about 70% of the population are less than 1000 persons) Plan: 2004 – 21 villages 2005 – 88 villages 2006 – 169 villages 2007 – 265 villages

First stage - ( March, )(2) Goal: Establishment of public information access points: Task 2:Internet access center: There are 1852 villages in country (source - Plan: 2004 – 31 villages 2005 – 210 villages 2006 – 491 villages 2007 – 795 villages – from 1000 and over persons (about 60 % of villages); – up to 1000 persons (about 40 % of villages). Average cost of ONE Internet Access Center – 3900$.

First stage - ( March, )(3) Results within 7 months: Public Internet access points: There are 12 public Internet access points have been established in villages Jointly with UNESCO the fund has established Multimedia center in Talas city (public radio and training center, consisting of 10 computers) The Fund is planning to establish about 30 public Internet points till the end of this year Telephonization of a village: The Fund has installed telephone line in “Uluk” village (Djalal- Abad oblast) Next month it is planning to telephonize “Sary-Bulak” and “Namatbek” villages (Talas oblast) The implementation of these tasks and achievement of the Fund’s goals require about 5 million US dollars (universal public information access points).

Coverage area map

Regional allocation

First stage-( March, ) (4) Public Internet access point in “Orlovka” village Population: 9085 persons Leader: Abykeev Almaz, private person Description of PIAP: this center consists of 5 computers, printer, modem and local area network. Costs: 2479 US dollars on computer equipment Activities: Trainings and rendering of Internet services. The center began its operation on 4 June 2004.

First stage-( March, ) (5) Public Internet access point in “Aral” village Population: 1203 persons Leader: Alymkulov Urasbek, the leader of the local community Description of PIAP: this center consists of 4 computers, printer, scanner, modem and local area network. Costs: Fund’s donation – US dollars on computer equipment; Local community’s donation – 136 US dollars. Activities: Trainings and rendering of Internet services. The center began its operation on 7 June 2004.

Partnership development at the local level Involvement of the villagers in public Internet access point’s activities by creation of Supervisor board (approbation) monthly report decision of the board to allocate accumulated funds to the development of the Internet center recommendations, content and etc. quarterly decision and recommendations; each member can contact directly monthly report LEADER of Public Internet Access Point Public Fund “The Information future” SUPERVISORY BOARD Members: a Representative local administrative; b Representative of local school; c Representative of local elders’ court; d Representative of local NGO or deputy of local administrative; e Representative of local villager or volunteer.

Financing – Contribution Structure:

Second stage-(February, 2004 – 2007) Goal:Training of rural population: Tasks:Step1: Computer literacy and Internet Step2: System administration, programming and etc. Distant learning development Result: The Fund has created the methodical training materials; About 600 persons have been trained in 13 public Internet access points.

Second stage-(February, 2004 – 2007)(2) Goal: Advocacy and information campaign; Tasks:The Fund has created PR conception; Action plan on PR.

Third stage-( ) Goal: Content Development: Tasks: Rendering of services by way of public information access points. E-Government E-Education E-Business

Fourth stage - (from ∞) Goal:Outsourcing development Tasks: Allocation of different orders in public information access points. City - Village -City Other countries – Kyrgyzstan – Other countries

Thank you for attention Public Foundation «The Information future» Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek, , Akhunbaev street, 3 rd floor Tel: Fax: Web site: