Product Listing Ads They’re All the Rage Elizabeth Director of Search Marketing Portent, Inc. 1
Reasons You Should Belong to SEMPO Expand Your Knowledge Engage With Industry Leaders Maximize Your Career Growth Grow Your Business Save Money
3 Sponsors and Partners
What Are PLAs? (product listing ads) 5
Google Shopping 6
Google Shopping Results 8
Why? 10
$$$$$ Q4 2012: 28% of non brand clicks 210% increase in clicks (text vs. PLA) 600% increase in budgets by advertisers Average CPC cheaper than search 11
Why Not? 12
$$$$$$ AdWords, Merchant Center, WMT Technical difficulties Time consuming Competition Lack of visibility 13
What You Need To Do This 14
Google AdWords Account 15
Google Merchant Center Account aka Google Base 16
Product Feed 17
Ability to edit the product feed 18
Google Webmaster Tools 19
Google Analytics/Conversion Tracking 20
Putting the Pieces Together 21
AdWords Checklist Create new campaigns for PLAs Create new ad groups for PLAs Set ad group bids, campaign budget No NOT add any keywords/text ads Write promotional ads Set bids for AdWords attributes/auto targets 22
Merchant Center Checklist Create feed Upload to Merchant Center Make sure Merchant Center info is filled in Wait for feed to be accepted Link Merchant Center with AdWords 23
Analytics Checklist Tag all destination URLs (if not GA) AdWords conversion tracking Auto-tagging enabled (if GA) eCommerce/goal tracking in GA 24
Research Cart Capabilities Can you export the needed attributes? Can you submit directly to Google? Can you edit the feed or submission to use AdWords attributes? Do you need any plugins, extensions or support? 25
Getting Started 26
Create a New Campaign 28
Create Ad Groups 29
Writing the Ads Technically “optional” 35 characters No DKI Follow AdWords Editorial Guidelines 30
Link AdWords & Merchant Center 32
Install HTML File 34
Or Use HTML tag, Domain Name, Google Analytics 35
Verify your site using Webmaster Tools, then claim in Merchant Center 36
Only one at a time though! 37
Merchant Center 38
Set Up Account 39
Create a Feed 40
Manual or Automatic 41
Upload the Feed 42
Feed Best Practices Do more than the required attributes Be descriptive, unique Watch character limits Use the AdWords attributes Consider the “freshness” factor Feeds have a sort of “quality score” too 43
Categorization/Google Product Type 44
“All Products” 45
Google Product Type vs. Product Type Product Type = YOUR taxonomy 49
50 Using Brand
Bidding by Labels/Groups 51
Bid On One Product 52
Layer Attributes 53
Removing Products True = included in AdWords/PLAs False = don’t include 54
Using Negative Keywords PLAs don’t use search keywords, but you can use negative keywords at the ad group and campaign level 55
Ad Group Bid vs. Target Bid 56
Google Analytics 57
Using GA 58
Using the Product Performance section 59
Using the MCF Section in GA 60
Get this PLA Dashboard 61
PLA Dashboard 62
Plug-Ins/Extensioins 63
Resources Portent Blog Google Merchant Center help Sign up for AdWords & Merchant Center blogs 64
My Newest PPC eBook (and my only shameless plug) 66
PLAs for Beginners 67
Step by step instructions Covers AdWords, Merchant Center, Webmaster Tools, GA How to create a product feed Because you were busy answering work and forgot to take notes today Get it here:here 68 Why you need this book
Thank You! Elizabeth 69