ACE-D ; Augmentative Communication Evaluation for Devices Debby McBride, MS, CCC-SLP & important others
AAC Device Evaluations –Simplified Debby McBride, MS., CCC-SLP & important others
Experience Clinician Manufacturer’s representative Multi-line dealer FundingClinician * Perspective * Awareness of what people are doing / not doing; looking for / finding / not finding
Important others Students / patients / consumers Fellow clinicians Clinicians with AAC focus –Educational –Medical –Private Manufacturers Multi-line dealers Funding experts
WHAT is the ACE-D? Web-based evaluation tool – specifically for devices Assumes that individual has some understanding of symbols DYNAMIC – and most current changes are available on the web at Website providing a variety of resources Networks manufacturers, multi-line Dealers, clinicians, AT teams, consumers Providing products.... Including ACE-D
What is in the ACE-D? 3 modules 1 Documentation Assistant 2 Assessment Assistant 3 Device Selection Assistant
Documentation Assistant helps to gather information helps to gather information identifies areas which may need to be assessed identifies areas which may need to be assessed assists in simplifying paperwork for writing reports and acquiring funding assists in simplifying paperwork for writing reports and acquiring funding
Device Selection Assistant a web-based database that a web-based database that –Saves you time in locating product information on AAC devices (SGD’s) –Provides current and up-to-date information about most AAC devices (75 + devices)
Assessment Assistant Ideas will assist in your evaluation Ideas will assist in your evaluation –Utilize what you have ?? (digitized, dynamic display, integrated systems, computer and peripherals) –Use your computer and peripherals as an evaluation tool * –Provide materials for areas which need to be assessed *
WHY? Evaluation situations –Ideal –Reality; examples of SGD’s –Limited access to SGD’s –Older examples of SGD’s –Computers and peripherals –None
WHO ? AAC / AT specialists Less experienced clinicians Someone in between
Philosophy Use the tools you have available to assess skills Cost effective way to do basic evaluations Determine device features based on what you find Do research to find the devices which match the skills and needs Find your local resources and evaluate equipment appropriateness
Evaluation Ask questions for you to consider –In addition to what you are doing Or –As a guideline for what you are doing Leads to you to the skills they have..... Features on the device they need..... Features on the device they need
Various forms –Provide premade vocabulary and communication boards (low tech) –Provide premade overlays for devices which you already have (digitized) –Provide dynamic display software for your computer –Provide vocabulary for your dynamic display devices
Ask questions... Finding answers Examples of areas to consider What is the access method? * What type of symbols are best * –Characteristics –Presentation of symbols Size of pictures Size of pictures No. of pictures No. of pictures size of target area size of target area –Digitized examples –Options on devices 4”, 6.4 “, 8.4”, 12.1”, etc.
Language Representation single meaning pictures / icons single meaning pictures / icons multi-meaning pictures (semantic compaction) multi-meaning pictures (semantic compaction) Text- based programs: i.e. reading; spelling
Message formulation Routine messages –Prestore messages –How to retrieve quickly Formulate messages –Message bar; text, pictures, both Change pages; digitized, dynamic *
Rate Enhancement Sentences/phrases used Prediction –Letter –Word..... Alphabetic; frequency; recency –Picture prediction * Abbreviation expansion Semantic compaction *
Form Premade vocabulary –Based on age –Based on abilities –Based on simplicity..... Complexity –Based on individual device options diagonal screen / picture size diagonal screen / picture size High tech; light tech; low tech
Other considerations List of accessories –What do you need? –What is available? – work with company/rep –Checklist... Funding sources –Medical funding Medicare; Medicaid; private insurance –Other... Educational; vocational; private
Consider Training Needs / Support What companies provide –Individual training –Local reps training –Group trainings –Virtual classroom –On-line supports (hook “in”) –Technical supports –Tutorials
Consider funding needs/options Manufacturer does /assists in funding Manufacturer does not assist in funding Only part of the device cost will be paid What about caps and “allowables” on what will be covered. Completing the paperwork required for insurance purposes (doctor, family, SLP)
Some highlights Identified Beta sites Identified Beta sites Trial prepared materials Give feedback Add in their own materials Web-based product to go and get –Premade overlays/boards (dynamic display software) / vocabulary
Your input What do you need ? Example: I would like to see a way for me to evaluate which is the best language representation system for my student. –Materials; single meaning; multiple meaning; alphabet methods –Research –Local resources –Team decision
Device Selection Assistant – DSA a web-based database that a web-based database that –Saves you time in locating product information on AAC devices (SGD’s) –Provides current and up-to-date information about most AAC devices –Currently contains 75+ voice output devices currently on the market in the US; ranging from the simplest to the most complex –Helps you research the devices available based on your specific needs
How does it work? Go to Locate DEVICE SELECTIONS GUIDE Select log-in information Do search – see results
Do research & trial Current devices available Locate devices –Loaners; look at and try options Loan bank.... considerations Local rep – manufacturer and dealer Research current devices - Device Selection Assistant Examples
Other considerations Device styles *** –Tablet with touchscreen –Tablet with on-screen keyboard –Table with plug-in keyboard –Integrated keyboard –Overlays / static display
How does it work? Go to *** Locate DEVICE SELECTIONS GUIDE Select log-in information Do search – see results
DSA Free “trial” search which reveals –Variety of devices for your consideration –Allows you to search according to device “categories” –Gives you basic information at no charge Cost Size / weight Medicare version/ code
Fee for service option Side-by-side comparisons of devices you select Specifications with large amount of information; hardware and some software Software comparisons are coming Flyers of manufacturer’s info and contact information
Handouts –Events –ATIA –Handouts