2Confidential AGENDA – TIF Training Course (GW University) TimeActivityLeaderLocationObjectives 6:45amDepart Hotel for GWUEGS RepLobby of HotelTransport to Lab Facility 7:00amIntroductionEGSConference Room Breakfast: Welcome, introductions, agenda, disclaimer, mission statement, faculty acknowledgement 7:30am GERD: Correlative Anatomy & ARS TrainerConference Room Endoscopic/laparoscopic GERD anatomy Introduction to clock face nomenclature Principles of anti-reflux surgery Disease states 8:30amPatient SelectionDr. K TradConference RoomTIF Patient Selection Considerations and Workup 9:30amEsophyX Device Overview Trainers & EGS Reps Conference Room How EsophyX device enables principles of ARS Basic device operation Fastener delivery Endoscopy :30amPatient ManagementDr. K TradConference Room Discuss Pre-, Intra-, and Post-Operative Management of Patient based on Faculty experience (Anesthesia, Analgesics, Antiemetics, Post-Op Recovery and Diet 11:00amSkills Lab Trainers & EGS Reps OR Device operation and procedure demonstration by EGS trainer Hands-on in a synthetic model 12:00pm Working Lunch TIF2 Standard Technique TrainerDining areaIntroduction to the TIF2 Standard Procedure 12:30pmWet Lab Trainers & EGS Reps ORPractice necessary skills and steps of Basic TIF 3:00pmWrap-upALLConference RoomQ&A; plan for first cases; depart for airport 4pm
3Confidential DISCLAIMER A Certificate of Completion will only be granted to those participants who attend the full duration of an EndoGastric Solutions sponsored TIF training program and demonstrate the skills necessary to complete a TIF procedure in a safe and competent manner. Failure to attend an EGS sponsored TIF training program in its entirety or to fully demonstrate a sound understanding of procedure steps and skills will result in non-issuance of a Certificate of Completion. EGS will only issue a Certificate of Completion after a course has concluded. Participants who are not issued a certificate for the aforementioned reasons will be required to attend another course at his or her own expense to obtain the certificate.
4Confidential Course Faculty – Dr. Karim S. Trad Dr. Karim S.Trad is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS, Fellow since 1995) and a member of the Society of American G.l. and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES,) the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE,) the American Hernia Society, Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of General Surgeons. He brings more than 15 years experience in managing complex gastrointestinal, abdominal, breast and endocrine surgical problems. He has a particular interest in Minimally Invasive surgical approaches, anti-reflux surgery and Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS). Dr. Trad is a Clinical Assistant of Surgery at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Services in Washington, DC.