Discovery Internetworking Module 1 JEOPARDY K. Martin
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Acronyms Binary Peripherals Pieces Pieces and Parts and Parts Need for Need for Speed Grab Bag Grab Bag ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
Question RAM Acronyms 100 A: What is Random Access Memory?
Question A: What is Central Processing Unit? CPU Acronyms
Question A: What is a Network Interface Card? NIC Acronyms 300
Question A: What is American Standard Code for Information Interchange? ASCII Acronyms 400
Question A: What is a Plug N Play? PnP Acronyms 500
Question A: What is 255? – in decimal. Binary
Question A: What is 193? in decimal Binary 200
Question A: What is ? 137 – to Binary Binary 300
Question A: What is – to Binary Binary 400
Question A: What is a 1? – to Base 10 Binary 500
Question A: What is input? A keyboard would fit into this category. Peripherals 100
Question A: What is networking? A NIC card would fit into this category. Peripherals 200
Question A: What is input? A scanner would fit into this category. Peripherals 300
Question A: What is an optical drive? This type of storage uses laser beams to record information. Peripherals 400
Question A: What is Blu-Ray? This type of DVD technology can hold over 25GB of data. Peripherals 500
Question A: What is a Motherboard? The main circuit board. Pieces and Parts 100
Question A: What is a CPU? The brain of the computer. Pieces and Parts 200
Question A: What is RAM? Temporary memory Pieces and Parts 300
Question A: What is the bus The pathway for the movement of data. Pieces and Parts 400
Question A: What is a Controller Card? This type of card may be used to connect external hard drives. Pieces and Parts 500
Question A: What is hertz? CPU speed is measured this way. Need for Speed 100
Question A: What is copper? UTP cable uses this media to send data. Need for Speed 200
Question A: What is a light pulse? Fiber uses this media to transfer data quickly. Need for Speed 300
Question A: What is a Million bits per second? Mbps Need for Speed 400
Question A: What is 1024 bytes? A KB is equal to this many bytes. Need for Speed 500
Question A: What is a UPS? Provides backup with an internal battery. Grab Bag 100
Question A: What is the manufacturer’s website? The best place to locate current drivers for your device. Grab Bag 200
Question A: What is a hard drive? The main storage device used by servers, desktops, and laptops. Grab Bag 300
Question A: What is the representation of letters, characters, and numbers with bits? The purpose of the ASCII code. Grab Bag 400
Question A: What is use of external monitor or alternate connectivity options? List one benefit of a docking station. Grab Bag 500
Question A: What is install most recent driver and connect using the appropriate cable. Perform these two steps when installing a peripheral device. Final Jeopardy