West Tennessee State Penitentiary CCTV System Familiarization Training
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Introduction
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Vicon Industries, Inc. CCTV Manufacturer for over 38 years. Headquarters located in Hauppauge, NY Publicly traded company. Symbol “VII” on the AMEX Systems Manufacturer Manufactures all equipment necessary for a complete CCTV system. Customer Service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 3 year “Beneficial Use” Warranty
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Technical Support VICON ( ) 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM Eastern Time Monday through Friday , Extension 877 After Hours and Weekends or Holidays
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Other Numbers Websitehttp:// FTP Siteftp://ftp.vicon-cctv.com Parts Department , Ext 369 Service Department , Ext 384
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Web Site US Home Page
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Web Site US Home Page
West Tennessee State Penitentiary FTP Site Main Screen
West Tennessee State Penitentiary FTP Software Folder
West Tennessee State Penitentiary FTP Site Sec 3 – Camera Domes
West Tennessee State Penitentiary FTP S2000 Software Folder
West Tennessee State Penitentiary FTP SVFT Software Folder
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Types and Distribution
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications There are three major types of Serial Communication Standards
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications RS-232 Unbalanced Circuit (single conductor plus ground reference) Short Distances (typically <50 feet) Used in Low Noise Environments Bi-Polar Signal (voltage levels swing + and -) Point-to-Point Communications
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications RS-422 Balanced Circuit (two signal conductors plus ground reference) Long Distances (typically ~4000 feet) Excellent Noise Immunity Signal Levels of 0.0 vdc and +5 vdc Point-to-Point Communications
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications RS-485 Balanced Circuit (two signal conductors plus ground reference) Long Distances (typically ~1000 feet) Excellent Noise Immunity Signal Levels of 0 vdc and +5 vdc Multidrop Communications (Typically 32 Nodes)
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Within each standard, there are communications types
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Simplex This is a uni-directional form of communications. Duplex This is a bi-directional form of communications.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Within the Duplex mode are two further sub-divisions: Full Duplex – - This mode permits simultaneous bi-directional communications. Half-Duplex – - This mode is bi-directional also, but only one direction at a time.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Vicon uses both Simplex and Half-Duplex Communications Keypads must use Half-Duplex. Receiver-Drivers can use either Simplex or Half-Duplex
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Data Signal Names used by Vicon are Command and Response. Command – this signal is generated by a CPU and is sent to a peripheral device, either a Keypad or a Camera Receiver-Driver. Response – This signal is generated by a peripheral device and sent to the CPU as an answer to a Command from the CPU.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications To comply with the RS422 balanced circuit, there is a Positive (+) and Negative (-) side of the signals. These are called Command + and Command -, as well as Response + and Response -. Starting at the CPU, the signal lines would be called: Command Out + and Command Out -. They will connect to the peripheral device to Command In + and Command In -, respectively.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Connection Rules: Command always connects to Command Response always connects to Response + signals always connect to + signals - signals always connect to – signals Inputs connect to Outputs Outputs connect to Inputs
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Some types of equipment, fiber optic modules for instance, use connection terms such as Data In + or Data Out +. In these cases, Data Out + would be the same as Command Out + or Response Out + (depending on the direction of signal flow).
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Data Cabling For data wiring of peripheral devices, Vicon recommends the use of a dual-pair, twisted, individually shielded wire meeting the specifications of one of the cable types listed below: Belden™ 8723 West-Penn Wire ™ D510 Alpha Wire ™ 2466C Note: these part numbers are for PVC jacketed wire. Check manufacturer’s catalog for Plenum versions if local codes dictate.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Communications Questions?
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Distribution V1400X-IDL Intelligent Distribution Line Module Provides isolated RS-422 data distribution for keypads OR receiver-drivers. 1 Input – 10 Equal Outputs
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Distribution V1400X-IDL Intelligent Distribution Line Module (earlier version shown) The later version can be recognized by the slide switch between Station connectors J7 and J6. This switch selects between the IDL (Intelligent) and the DL (non-Intelligent) operation. (In earlier V1400X-IDL’s, an internal jumper had to be removed to change operation modes)
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Distribution V1400X-IDL Intelligent Distribution Line Module Indicator LEDs Station Indicators: Normally On. Off or blinking is an abnormal condition, usually caused by incorrect Response Wiring or defective Response signals. CPU LED: Normally On. Blinks during power up cycle while it acquires the data Baud rate. Power LED: Normally On.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Distribution Typical Connection: V1400X-IDL Output to Surveyor VFT TB3 Output Connector J1 – J10 TB-3
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Testing
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Data Distribution Questions?
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Video Matrix Switching Systems
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix Switching Systems The basic purpose of a matrix switching system is to electrically connect camera outputs to monitor inputs. The component that accomplishes this is called a Crosspoint Switcher. The crosspoint switcher is an electrical junction that, when forward biased, allows signal to flow. When reverse biased, the junction has a high impedance to signal flow.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary How A Matrix Works INPUTS 4 X 4 MATRIX OUTPUTS
West Tennessee State Penitentiary In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 In Out 1-16 Expander Out 1-16 In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Expander Out
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix66 The Vicon Matrix66 describes a family of Video Switching System components consisting of: V1466 Video Switching System V6680SCC-HD Video Switching Card Cage
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix66 V1466: This is a self-contained Video Matrix Switching System. Components: V1466SCPU-A, an internal CPU that controls matrix switching for up to 256 cameras and 32 monitors. It also provides data control for pan, tilt and lens functions, alarm handling and various video switching functions. V1466TDT-SHD, the Time/Date/Titler card to provide titling capabilities for up to 16 monitors.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V1466 Rear Panel, 64x16 Status Display J1 Host Port J4 Receiver Port J3 Keypad Port J2 Serial Printer J9 Alarm Input J11 Control Out RU Mon 1-16 Mon 1 Output Camera 33 Input Camera 1 Input
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V1466 Rear Panel, 64x32V1466 Rear Panel, V1466 showing video looping cables for Cameras Mon 1-32 Camera 33 Termination Camera 33 Input (While required, the looping cables for cameras 1-32 have been omitted for clarity)
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix66 V6680SCC-HD This is a card cage that will support video switching components for up to 256 cameras by 16 monitors. The V6680SCC-HD requires an external CPU for video switching control and external Time/Date/Titling for the monitor outputs. The external CPU governs the system size limit.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC Card cage with two V6610S-1 Video Input cards and one V6616AMP Monitor Amp card with V6670X Card Extender
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V75TR-SHD Terminators V6680SCC-HD 160 x 16 System
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD Two styles of card cage rear panels are available: V6610RP-B This panel has 32 BNC’s for video inputs and 4 D-shell connectors for terminating or looping. It is used for both Camera Inputs and Monitor Outputs
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD V6610RP-R This panel has 8 D-shell connectors for looping video. Cam 1-8 Loop In Cam 9-16 Loop In Cam Loop In Cam Loop In Cam 1-8 Loop Out Cam 9-16 Loop Out Cam Loop Out Cam Loop Out
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Rear Panel Connections, V6680SCC, 64 x 16 In from External CPU/CDU Out to Next Card Cage MON Card Cage Address Switch
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD In a single-cage matrix system, camera video must either be terminated or looped to another video product. Termination: V75TR-SHD - terminates 8 cameras in a 15-pin D-shell connector. Also used to terminate inputs to an Expander Card, V6640-SEXP V75T – terminates one camera with a BNC connection.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD V75TR-SHD V75T Video Terminators
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD Video can loop out to another card cage or to another device (DVR, etc). Looping to another card cage: Use the V66RC-36 cables to pass 8 videos. Looping to another device: Use the V66RCB-24 to loop out and/or terminate.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD V66RC-36
West Tennessee State Penitentiary V6680SCC-HD V66RCB-24
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix66 with V66RC-36 Video Looping Cables for Cameras 1-32 Monitor 1 Monitor 17 Monitors 1-16 Monitors 17-32
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix Switching Systems Questions?
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Programming Demonstration
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Peripheral Devices
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC Two Operating Modes: Standalone Mode For direct control of PTZ cameras Keypad Mode For control of a matrix switching system
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC The V1300X-DVC must be programmed prior to use. To enter the Keypad Programming Mode: The Run-Pgm Switch can be in either position. Hold down F1 and press SEQ To step through without changing, press SEQ To change a programming option, use the joystick. To store a change and move to the next option, press A/P. To exit the Keypad Programming Mode, press SEQ until the end of the menu is reached. The keypad will exit programming.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC Programming Menu Items (Hold F1 and press SEQ to enter): Keypad TypeSngl, 1200, 1300 Speed Control TypeFixed, 1200, 1300 Receiver Function InhibitNo, Yes Joystick Response ProfileLow, Med, High Baud Rate300 – 19.2K (9.6 for CPU) Keypad AddressSngl: : CO (192) – EF(239) 1300: 1-64 Modify PasscodesNo, Mgr, UP1 – UP64 Auto LogoutOff, 5 Min – 60 Min Install DefaultsNo, Yes Enter Diagnostic ModeEnter or SEQ
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC Run-Program SwitchPower, 10VAC J29 RS485 SW39 Mode DipswitchJ1 RS422 Connections J20 Aux Connector
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC Connections: V1300X-DVC, J1 (in Standalone Mode) to SVFT, TB3 J1 TB3
West Tennessee State Penitentiary System Controls – V1300X-DVC / RVC Connections : V1400X-IDL, J1-J10 to V1300X-DVC, J1
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module J1J2J3J4J5J11 J6J8J9J10 DL – IDL Switch
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module Input Connector J11 6. Command In + 5. Command In – 4. Ground 3. Response Out + 2. Response Out – 1. Ground
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module Output Connectors J1-J10 6. Response In + 5. Response In – 4. Ground 3. Command Out + 2. Command Out – 1. Ground
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-IDL Data Distribution Module
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals V1400X-MSSV Multi-system Selector - Video Permits one Intelligent keypad to control up to eight different matrix systems
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Simple V1400X-MSSV Layout Matrix #1 Matrix #2
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Matrix System Peripherals Questions?
West Tennessee State Penitentiary PTZ Dome Cameras Surveyor VFT Dome Camera
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up AutoBaud Detect
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up AutoBaud Detect
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Initial Power Up AutoBaud Detect
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Typical PTZ Commands Pan Tilt Zoom Control Auto Iris with Manual Override Auto Focus with Manual Override Auxiliary Relay Control
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Pan & Tilt Pan and tilt are both variable speed camera operations. The joystick is what is known as a vector- solving joystick. The further the joystick is deflected, the faster the camera moves.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Lens Zoom Zoom is available in both optical (to x22 or x23, depending on camera model) and digital (to x264 or x276, depending on model).
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Auto Iris with Manual Override The camera iris circuit controls the picture brightness by limiting the amount of light on the imaging device. The circuit can be set to operate in the Automatic or Manual mode. Keypad control of the A/I level can be disabled through programming.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Operation Auto Focus with Manual Override The camera can be set to Auto Focus. This is the default setting. Use of the Focus Near or Focus Far keys will automatically place the camera into the manual focus mode. It will stay in this mode until either Zoom In or Zoom Out are activated.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Programming
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Programming Commands PP Preset Positions Fixed positions stored in memory PP 80 – Step Tours Point-to-point sequences May include a number of commands Can be activated manually or automatically PP 88 & 89 Autotours Sequences that playback a previously recorded sequence of events
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Programming Commands - SVFT PP90 Pan-Tilt Lock PP91 Diagnostic Tour PP92 Diagnostic Screen PP93 Set Response Line Polarity (duplex only) PP94 Enter Menu Setup Mode PP95 Reset AutoBaud Detect Feature PP96 Program Sectors PP97 Initiate Dome Reset PP98 Set AutoPan Left & Right Limit Stops PP99 Set Manual Pan Limits
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands The 90-series of commands can only be initiated in the Program mode. A 90-series command, in the Run mode, will be ignored.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP90 When issued, this command will lock out all pan and tilt commands from the controlling device and ‘freeze’ the camera in its present position. If an attempt is made to pan or tilt the camera, an on-screen message is momentarily displayed. Lens zoom and focus function will still work. Alarms and scheduled actions will over-ride the lockout.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP91 This is a diagnostic command. Activating this command causes the camera to run through a programmed set of commands, i.e., Pan Left, Pan Right, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, Zoom In, Zoom Out. The pattern will run continuously until halted by sending another PP91.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP92 This is a diagnostic command. It indicates various settings that correlate to camera pan, tilt, and zoom positions. This diagnostic screen can be monitored while sending commands to see if the camera is reacting correctly. The diagnostic is cancelled by sending another PP92.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP93 This will reverse the Response Signal Polarity (SVFT only). It is used when a dome’s Response communications lines have been mis-wired. The first PP93 will reverse Response polarity and a subsequent PP93 will toggle the polarity back.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP94 This command displays the main Programming Menu. With the menu displayed, the following apply: A/PThis key will open a submenu. After changing a menu selection, it will save any changes that have been made and exit that particular submenu. A/IThis key will exit a menu or submenu without making or saving any changes. JoystickUp-Down navigates menu items Left-Right selects options
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP94 Main Menu
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP94 Programming Tip: When in the program menu, pressing L-SPD (lens speed) on the keypad will darken the background to permit a better view of the menu screens.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP95 This command resets the camera’s baud detect feature. It is used if the camera must be set to another baud rate.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP96 This command is used to program dome sectors. There are 16 sectors that can be set. Using the joystick and the A/P button, sector limits can be set. Once Sectors have been set, the video can be blanked for any sectors.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP97 This command is used to initiate a reset of the camera without changing any parameters. It is similar to a warm boot of a computer.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP98 This command is used to set left and right limit stops for the AutoPan mode. Aux2 sets the left AutoPan limit stop. Aux3 sets the right AutoPan limit stop. Setting both limit stops to the same position clears the AutoPan limits.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary 90-series Commands PP99 This command is used to set left and right limit stops for the manual pan mode (PP93 for the S2000). Aux2 sets the left Pan limit stop. Aux3 sets the right Pan limit stop. Setting both limit stops to the same position clears the manual Pan limits.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Questions ?
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Direct Control
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Direct Control Direct Control is a computer program that permits controlling a Vicon Receiver-Driver or dome camera from any PC. All functions of the Surveyor may be operated with Direct Control. The only additional requirement is an RS232-RS422 converter.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Direct Control Direct Control is available at: ftp://ftp.vicon-cctv.com/ Select the Software Folder Select Sec 03 (Camera Dome Systems) Select SVFT Dome Select Surveyor Direct Control
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Direct Control RS232-RS422 Converter Vicon Part Number BlackBox Corporation™ IC473A-F
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Flash Upgrade
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Flash Upgrade Flash Upgrade is a utility program that permits upgrading the Surveyor software revision in the field. The only additional requirement is an RS232- RS422 converter.
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Flash Upgrade Flash Upgrade and the software versions are available at: ftp://ftp.vicon-cctv.com/ Select the Software Folder Select Sec 03 (Camera Dome Systems) Select SVFT Dome Select Surveyor Flash Upgrade Utility
West Tennessee State Penitentiary Questions ?