Maximizing your Income By utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

Maximizing your Income By utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

GOLD = $500/cycle Goal = $50,000 / year (part-time) $50, 000/yr = 8 cycles = $4,000 month 60K BV (40k BV/20K BV) L/R Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

GOLD = $500/cycle SILVER = $250/cycle 90BV - 1st Activation 45BV/mo – until 1st cycle (auto-ship) 90BV/mo – after the 1st cycle YOU L Team7500 BV 2,500 BV5,000 BV R TeamACTIVATION Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

HARD WAY YOU ,000BV++ 20,000BV ++ 60,000BV++ = 8 cycles = $4,000/month All you are doing = 45BV – Personal/mo (Burnout method: Sponsor a ton of people and just get them to stay active!) Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

EASY WAY YOU ,000BV++ 20,000BV ++ 60,000BV++ = $4,000/month 45BV - Personal Customers Gather 5 customers x 25BV each = 125BV THE NAME OF THE GAME IS “170BV”!! Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Easy way: Get product out on the market ASAP! First start using the product yourself Find 5 customers who purchase 25 BV each or any combination = 125BV Maintain your personal monthly orders for approx. 45BV Maintain product consumption of 175BV total (125 BV customers + 45BV personal) Now teach 4 other people to do the same Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Where do you want to be? LEFTRIGHT =$4,000/mo=$2,000/mo=$1,000/mo=$500/mo Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Your success in Network Marketing is based on 3 principles: 1. Duplication 2. Consistent Effort 3. Time Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Principle #1: Duplication Commit to learn and stay on the compensation plan strategy Sponsor 4 and teach them the compensation plan strategy. Keep it simple and easy to duplicate. Support your teams expansion by making sure the people you sponsor are committed to teaching this plan. Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Principle #2: Consistent Effort Decide how much time you want to dedicate to this business The compensation plan strategy is based on a minimum of 3- 5 hours a week of work Stick to this time frame each week - consistently Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Principle #3: TIME No matter how well you implement duplication and consistent effort, you will not create long-term success if you do not stick it out long enough to watch your team grow. Exponential growth, the power of network marketing, is based on TIME. Done consistently, possibly 75% of your growth and income will be created in the last 3 months of your first year. Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Realistic Expectations 90% of the people in your business will do this part-time Most people quit in their 3-6 month because they are not taught realistic expectations based on their time and production commitment Teach them to see what they could miss out on by quitting too soon! Not “get rich quick” but a true work program If you’re willing to commit to it, the possible results are mind blowing!! Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

How much is your future worth? Ask yourself: Is it worth it to you to commit a minimum of 1-3 years, part-time, to a plan that could possibly create a more secure future?... The income potential of $50,000/year and growing… Retirement income Whatever your outcomes may be… Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

How much is your future worth? Ask yourself: Is it worth it to you to commit a minimum of 1-3 years, part-time, to a plan that could possibly create a more secure future?... Think about it… Risk vs. Return (Low risk – high return) How important is it for you to be paid what your worth? What is your time freedom worth? How much is your future and your family worth? You have nothing to lose. Maximizing your Income by utilizing the Compensation Plan Strategy

Welcome to the Team! We look forward to working to with you…