Overview Introduction The Level of Abstraction Organization & Architecture Structure & Function Why study computer organization?
We will study the design, structure and internal organization of computer system. It can be studied at many levels of abstraction. Introduction
What is Computer? Computer a fast electronic calculating machine, which accepts digitized input information, process it according to a program, stored in its memory, and produces the resultant output information.
The Automobile Driver Automobile mechanic Automobile designer Automobile engineer Chemist or Metallurgist
Level of Abstraction Operating systems level Programming language level Functional organization level Hardware design level The laws of physics Computer science Electrical engineering Physics
Operating System Level Deals with : Packages, jobs, canned routines Computer view : A black box that solves problems Level of Abstraction
Programming language level Deals with : Programs, statements, loops, conditions Computer view : A collection of problem-solving primitives in a high-level language Level of Abstraction
Functional organization level Deals with : Memory, processors, I/O devices, registers Computer view : A collection of major hardware subsystems Level of Abstraction
Deals with : Gates, circuits, chips, boards Computer view : A collection of discrete electrical components Hardware design level Level of Abstraction
Deals with : Electrons, atoms, magnetism Computer view : A physical system composed of elemental particles The laws of physics Level of Abstraction
Organization & Architecture Computer Architecture Those attributes of a system visible to a programmer Those attributes that have a direct impact on the logical execution of a program Example :- instruction set, I/O mechanism, memory addressing techniques,number of bits used for data representation.
Organization & Architecture Computer Organization Those attributes include hardware details transparent to the programmer. The computer system ’ s resources. Study structure and function of computer component. Example :-control signal, memory, interface between components.
Structure and Function Structure : The way in which the components are interrelated. Function : The operation of each individual component as part of the structure.
Structure Main structural components Processor Memory I/O System Interconnection
Function Basic functions of computer Data Processing Data Storage Data Movement Control
Why study Comp. Organ.? Allow you to intelligently evaluate, compare and select computer equipment and peripherals. Allow you to understand how to write optimized and more efficient program. Almost every branch of CS requires a background in Comp. Organ.
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Hardware Software People Data Computer System
Central Processing Unit Memory Unit Input/Output Unit Storage devices System buses Hardware (Computer Component) Computer System
System software Operating System :- Dos, Windows, Unix Compiler Application software Word Processing Payroll System Software Computer System
End user Programmer System analyst System administrator People Computer System
Data : Fact Information : Process data Data Information Data Processing Data Computer System
von Neumann architecture All contemporary computer design are base on three key concepts : Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory. The contents of this memory are addressable by location Execution occurs in a sequential fashion from one instruction to the next
Programming in Hardware Customized Hardware Sequence of Arithmetic and Logic Functions Data Results Hardwired program
Instruction Interpreter Programming in Software Instruction Codes General-Purpose Arithmetic and Logic Functions Data Results software Control signals