Vital Signs Orientation Community foundations taking the pulse of Canadian communities January 12 th 2009 Sara Lyons, Program Manager, CFC
Introductions Name Foundation Role with the Foundation One thing you’d like from today
Agenda The Vital Signs Initiative Producing Vital Signs National Coordination & Support The Benefits Next Steps
The Vital Signs Initiative
The Starting Point Toronto’s Vital Signs - mid-1990’s National program foundations published Expansion : 11 reports 2008: 15 reports 2009: Anticipate approx 17
Vital Signs Goals To measure the health of community To provide accessible information To engage community To encourage action on issues To inform the community foundation’s ongoing work To build the profile of the foundation
Vital Signs Issue Areas Arts & culture Belonging & leadership Environment Gap between rich & poor Getting started in our community Health & wellness Housing Learning Safety Work
Headlines Region under microscope The Cambridge Times Homeless, crime, cost of living dominate concerns in report on city Red Deer Advocate Hat’s OK, but there’s room for improvement Medicine Hat News Sudbury booming, but poor get poorer: report The Sudbury Star Much work to do: Report NB Telegraph Journal (Saint John)
2008 Reports
Producing Vital Signs
What it Includes Community consultation & engagement Data collection & interpretation Indicator selection & grading Publication of the report Promotion of the report’s release Evaluation & integration into rest of foundation’s work
The Cost Human Resources –Planning –Coordination –Production Financial –Research –Publication –Events
Funding Options Grants Donors Discretionary funds Sponsorships Operational funds
National Coordination & Support
CFC’s Role To help members do Vital Signs, & do it well To administer, promote & monitor the program To build the national profile of the program and of the CF movement
CFC Support Vital Signs manual Training & coaching Web site/collaboration space Promotion tools (e.g. FAQs, news releases) Evaluation tools (in development) National report Centralized research
Common Elements Annual release date Ten issue areas Ten core indicators Description of what Vital Signs is Report title Registered trademark Wordmark CFC attribution
The Benefits
Why do Vital Signs Links Foundation’s work to the community Provides community leadership Increases Foundation’s understanding of the community Supports donors need for information Informs Foundation’s work Increases profile of Foundation
Success Stories Community needs addressed Awareness/profile New funding, new donors Partnerships Community involvement
Organizational Impact Strategic planning Increased awareness Increased donations New donors Grantmaking Community participation Resources
Next Steps
Environmental Scanning Questions to ask about Vital Signs for your community: –What exists in your community? –Is there room for another? –Is there a unique role Vital Signs can play? –Can it add value? –Can it extend the reach or build on existing capacity? –Is there an opportunity to work with another community foundation and provide a regional report?
Getting Started CFC Application –Agreement to terms of participation –Implementation plan overview –Community engagement description –Resourcing methods (human & financial) –Applying Vital Signs to your work intentions
Tele-Seminars Getting Started Indicators Marketing & Communications Integrating VS into your work and Evaluation (planned)
Wrap-up Questions/comments Discussion items
Thank you! Community foundations taking the pulse of Canadian communities