Space Weather Web Portal Coordination (Draft for Discussion) A. Glover, A. Belehaki
Background SWENET portal: user driven services built on the pilot project ESWWP: centralised portal for output of COST 724: catalogues, data and models Community support expressed for coordination of activities and clarification of scope of both activities Action set by SWWT Steering Board (Jan/07) to investigate potential collaboration
Current Status See two previous presentations on SWENET and ESWWP by Pablo and Norma New COST action expected to receive final approval end June & expected to build on content of ESWWP and provide service oriented input to SWENET ESA SSA progamme, if accepted by C/MIN 08, expected to build on the SWENET infrastructure Question: how to organise? Brainstorming in early 2008 to draft an agreement between ESWWP and SWENET Provisional Title: European Space Weather Resource Collaboration (ESWRC).
Key areas for Agreement Interfaces Scope and terms of reference of sites: –At present the names are similar but scope quite complimentary SWENET: Space Weather European (Service) Network ESWWP: European Space Weather Web Portal Advisory role of Partners including ESA, SWWT & COST MCs Management levels and responsibilities Responsibilities Scope of agreement: ESWWP and SWENET only, or extend to broader European collaboration?
Aim of Agreement This Agreement provides a framework for the collaboration between parties defining, developing and maintaining space weather science and applications resources of mutual interest and formalises the Collaborations scope and shared commitment to the development and maintainance of the resources, and to promoting and supporting its use. This Agreement of the signing parties formalises the mission of the collaboration, its membership and structure, the relationship with users, the commitment of resources, the review mechanisms and the process of renewal of this agreement. This Agreement describes the broad structure and mode of operation of the European Space Weather Resource Collaboration (ESWRC). Operational procedures are described in the ESWC Collaboration Regulations. This Agreement describes the good-faith intentions of the signing parties. It has no force in law (see also later section..)
Membership The members of the ESWRC are the individuals, with the support of their institute, who perform the scientific and technical development and maintenance of the ESWWP and SWENET content (plus other resources?). Membership is renewed annually by individuals confirming their continued membership and their agreement to the current Collaboration Regulations. The Signing Parties to this agreement (Steering Committee members) are responsible for the contribution of resources. An individual collaborator with authority to represent her/himself can be a signing party. The ESWRC is always open to new membership (and the inclusion of new resources?). Applications will be evaluated by the Steering Committee.
Independent Review Committee (re-constituted at intervals of ~3 years) Steering Committee -Scientific & technical planning -Priority listings -Approve new membership -Manage w/plan -Ensure resources -Organise AC meetings -Organise reviews Working Team (SWWT & COST reps & other) -Community user inputs -Recommend new content Exchange and Collaboration with groups incl. ISES + other International partners Advisory Committee Topical Groups.. Interface with Users European Space Weather Resource Collaboration New COST MC SWWT SB
SWENET & ESWWP : Example Scenario Data Access: online at ESWWP & SWENET. Model Access – Analysis online at ESWWP (& remote?). Model Access - Forecasting: ESWWP (res.) & SWENET (apps). Forecast generated automatically SWENET: service network. Product Validation & online analysis tools Resource Catalogues Development agreements with resource owners User inputs ESWRC Committee Forecast exchange of products e.g. indices Development into targeted services with user and developer input