Habit III Put First things First
The Comfort Zone Your comfort zone represents things that you are familiar with, places you know, friends you’re at ease with, activities you enjoy doing You comfort zone is risk free, you are safe and secure within these boundaries
The Comfort Zone Things I enjoy doing Safety and security Ease Relaxation Freedom from risk Things I’m accustomed to
The Comfort Zone You will spend most of your time in your comfort zone However people who seldom try new things or spread their wings live safe but boring lives! Venture out of your comfort zone!!
The Courage Zone Things that are in the courage zone represent new things These are things like making new friends, speaking to a large audience, and sticking up for your values This is the courage zone, adventure, risk, and challenges are found here Everything that can make you feel uncomfortable!
The Courage Zone This is where you go for opportunity Where you will meet your full potential “You miss 100% of the shots you never take” -Wayne Gretzky
The Courage Zone Things I’m afraid of Things I’ve never tried Unexplored territory Opportunity Things that are difficult Higher duty Hard moments
Fears Never let fears make your decisions You don’t want to have a life full of regret because you didn’t take chances or use opportunities because of fear Throughout history people have made decisions and not let fear keep them from acting Nelson Mandela Susan B. Anthony Winston Churchill
“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” Make a new friend Resist peer pressure Break an old habit Develop a new skill Try out for a team Audition for a play Ask someone out Change your job Get involved Be yourself
Winning means Rising each time you fall We should worry less about failing and more about the chances we miss when we don’t even try Many of the people that we admire failed many times before they succeeded Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was 4 Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times Louis Pasteur was graded “mediocre” in Chemistry Michael Jordan was cut from his highschool bball team in the 10 th grade
Below are the events in the life history of a man who failed many times but kept fighting back Failed in business at age 22 Defeated in the state legislature at age 23 Failed in business at age 25 Lost his sweetheart at age 26 Lost congressional nomination at age 34 Lost renomination at age 39 Defeated for Senate at age 46 Defeated for vice- presidency at age 47
Who was this person? None other than Abraham Lincoln, elected to the Presidency at age 51 He became our nation’s 16 th President He rose each time he fell and eventually reached his destination, gaining the respect and admiration of all nations and people
Hard Moments Hard moments are conflicts between doing the right thing and doing the easier thing They are the key tests, the defining moments of life- how we handle them can literally change our lives forever They come in two sizes small and large
Small Hard Moments These occur daily Getting up when your alarm rings Controlling your temper Doing your homework If you can control yourself and be strong in these moments your days will run so much more smoothly
Large Hard Moments These occur every so often in life Choosing good friends Resisting negative peer pressure Rebounding from a major setback-divorce, death in the family, a break-up These moments have huge consequences and often strike when you least expect them
Courage Don’t sacrifice your future for a brief moment of joy Make sure that the decisions that you are making are not going to negatively affect your future
Peer Pressure To overcome peer pressure you have to care more about what you think of you than what your peers think of you Peer pressure is such a problem because everyone wants to belong You try so hard to fit in that sometimes your compromise your own morals and values
Peer Pressure Not all peer pressure is bad Find a friend that puts positive pressure on you to be your best Try to be around people that have similar morals and values Always remember, “Birds of a feather……”
Common Ingredient of Success Putting first things first takes discipline It takes discipline to manage your time, to overcome fears, to be strong in hard moments and resist peer pressure What does all of this mean??? It means that successful people are willing to suck it up from time to time and do things they don’t like doing They know that these things will lead them to their goals
Learn to prioritize and puts first things first and you will be successful in life!