STRESS MANAGEMENT Matt Orr, PhD Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. -- Ghandi
Life Happens
It’s all about our sense of …. CONTROL 4
Stress is the nonspecific response of the organism to any pressure or demand
Stress – Good & Bad
Modern Stressor Primitive Stressor “Threat!” 7
Stress Response 8
Relaxation Response A state of relaxed, passive attention to a repetitive or absorbing stimulus that turns off the “inner dialogue” thereby decreasing arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
Focus on the Response It is not the problem that needs your focus, it’s your response that needs the focus.
Strategies for Stress Busting Be Think Do
Behavior: The DO
Sleep 13 Are you getting 7-9?
Laugh & Play Everyday
Cognitive: The THINK
Choose Your Response We are what we think. – Buddha We Don’t see things as they are, We see things as we are. – The Talmud What you think, you become; What you feel, you attract; what you imagine, you create. - The Dammapada
Choose Your Response The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light: But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. – Matthew 6:22
Stop-Options “I should be…” “STOP” “What are my options?” What are my coulds? Select activity from list of options Useful for diffusing pressure of obligations Increases sense of control…competence
ANTs Automatic Negative Thoughts
NUTs Nagging Unfinished Tasks
Maintain a Solution Focus Whatever the problem is think… “What’s one thing I can do to make it better?”
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln 24
Explanatory Style If you are late to class because you could not find your keys or a book are you more likely to say to yourself… A. “I always do this to myself; I’m going to look so careless” B. “I’m probably not the only one who’s going to be late”
Explanatory Style If you are driving in a rush and find yourself hitting a lot of red lights… A. “I have the worst luck; nothing ever goes my way!” B. “Man, today it’s not my day for green lights.”
Explanatory Style blame themselves for negative events believe that such events will continue indefinitely let such events affect many aspects of their lives blame others for negative events believe that such events will end soon do not let such events affect too many aspects of their lives Pessimism (A responses)Optimism (B responses)
Recovering from Set-Backs Thought Stop -“Stop” Distraction or Disputation Focus on the “Do” Move to action Pre-programmed response (ICR) No matter how frustrated or angry I get… Go straight into action with that response Thought ApproachAction Approach
Hot Buttons Make a list of your hot buttons Now list Ideal Coping Responses (ICR) The more you focus on a mistake, the more likely you are going to make it!
When angry, count four, when very angry, swear. -Mark Twain
“Oh Well” Interrupts the cascade of negative thought and emotion Add a shoulder shrug
Relaxation: The BE
Slow Down 33
Mindfulness is Key 34 Don’t be this guy!
Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness 35 Being able to: Be present in the moment Remember the drive to work Remember what you just told/gave a patient
Oxygen Consumption During Sleep and The Relaxation Response Change in Oxygen consumption (%)
Pathways to Relaxation Response Relaxation Methods Focused Breathing Transcendental Meditation Prayer Yoga, Tai Chi, etc. Autogenic Activities Guided Imagery/Visualization/Meditation Physical Activity How much?
Two Basic Steps Necessary to Elicit the Relaxation Response 1. The repetition of a word, sound, phrase, prayer, or image, or muscular activity 2. The passive return to the repetition when other thoughts intrude
Focused Breathing Diaphragmatic Breathing (aka Belly Breathing) Centering Breath 15 seconds = In for 6, hold for 2, out for 7 Notice your breathing – Pace In, Pace Out
Mini Relaxations #s in Space #s down (10-0) What’s around me In breath = “I am”; Out breath = “At peace” While stuck in traffic…while waiting…when in pain…while studying…when you can’t sleep The only time they don’t work is when you don’t do them
Guided Imagery & Visualization Progressive Muscle Relaxation Autogenic Training After the Game is Before the Game Don’t Lose the Anxiety, Move It
Recommended Youtube has relaxation music Free resources on internet for relaxation techniques