1 Tigers study TIGERS: Identifying factors of success and failure in European IST-related national/regional developments Corina Pascu ICT Unit, IPTS-JRC,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Tigers study TIGERS: Identifying factors of success and failure in European IST-related national/regional developments Corina Pascu ICT Unit, IPTS-JRC, EC Sofia, Bulgaria May 2004 Towards

2 Tigers study The IPTS and its ICT Unit TIGERS Emerging key factors Transferability to CCs From TIGERS to “New Entrants” Structure of the presentation

3 Tigers study The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Part of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission: 7 Institutes across Europe A mission: provide prospective techno-economic analysis to European decision-makers  ``Think thank``

4 Tigers study Need for the analysis of IST-related growth and other impacts A prospective view: The Future Outlook of the IS in CC13 ICT Unit mission inside the IPTS: Foresight of IST in an Enlarged EU Sustainability/ Mobility Enlargement/ EU25+ Cybersecurity

5 Tigers study EU Lisbon Strategy The shift to the knowledge based society “The Union has today set itself a new strategic goal for the next decade: to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. Achieving this goal requires an overall strategy aimed at: preparing the transition to a knowledge-based economy and society by better policies for the information society and R&D, as well as by stepping up the process of structural reform for competitiveness and innovation and by completing the internal market; modernising the European social model, investing in people and combating social exclusion; sustaining the healthy economic outlook and favourable growth prospects by applying an appropriate macro-economic policy mix. (…) The shift to a digital, knowledge-based economy, prompted by new goods and services, will be a powerful engine for growth, competitiveness and jobs. In addition, it will be capable of improving citizens' quality of life and the environment.” (European Council. Lisbon, March 2000)

6 Tigers study The IPTS and its ICT Unit TIGERS Emerging key factors Transferability to CCs From TIGERS to “New Entrants”

7 Tigers study What IS policies are needed for the Candidate Countries, to meet the European “Lisbon objectives”? Where are the gaps & main bottlenecks in CC13? 2001: Potential for IS developments in ACC-13: The “Bled” ICT Expert Panel Report What can be learned from EU 15 experiences? 2002: Factors of success from earlier EU 15 experiences: What are the possible trajectories? What are the relevant IS policies? 2003: National IS strategies in ACC-13 towards Lisbon targets: The “New Entrants” Reports Key research questions Slide 7 Looking for factors of success and failure of IST- related developments in EU15 experiences of the last decade TIGERS

8 Tigers study Can we observe factors of success and failure in past EU15 regional or national IS developments? What did we learn during the past decade from EU15 IS trajectories that could be transferable to CCs today? What is assessed as “successful development” when speaking of IS? What is a “Tiger” country? Factors having impacted EU15 IS- related developments TIGERS Research questions Slide 8

9 Tigers study The IPTS and its ICT Unit TIGERS Emerging key factors Transferability to CCs From TIGERS to “New Entrants”

10 Tigers study The “Tigers” study: Assumptions These parameters may be drawn from a broad spectrum of aspects: social, political, economic, cultural, to be seen on a fairly long-term historical perspective (2 or 3 decades, for example). “TIGERS Study” 5 EU15 case studies: Ireland, Flanders, Dresden, Greece, Austria In each country, there is a specific set of observable parameters (boundary conditions, minimum required set of factors) which may help understanding national and regional developments in relation to ISTs. Reasonable set of countries and regions, examples of successful and less successful IS development

11 Tigers study Strong public policy reinforcing sector development; Co-opetition frameworks encouraging partnerships, both public and private; Easy availability of financing tools; Favourable ICT industry and/or economic profile; Strong role of Education, awareness, info-culture Creative use of specific contexts: alliances by proximity, identity,.. Favourable EU policies Major conclusions: There is a set of observable major factors which do impact the potential of IST-related developments at national and regional levels; IST-related developments raise dilemmas such as: growth vs. welfare, policy vs. market-led approaches, mid-term vs. long-term economic sustainability; “Tiger” countries are generally ICT manufacturing countries. 7 factors impacting strongly on IST-related developments The “Tigers” study: What worked early in EU15

12 Tigers study Finland, Ireland and Sweden stand out from the rest of the EU15 (and often the world) on many economic indicators “Tiger” countries are countries that have mainly (initially?) followed an industrial ICT Manufacturing development strategy –But, there is no common model of development: Ireland shows an “anglo-saxon” model of development (information technology-oriented specialisation in close co-operation with US companies- depends – at least partly - on FDI and foreign companies) In both Finland and Sweden, success is usually attributed to one large domestic company- the “Nordic” strategy) Transferability to CCs of the support given to ICT manufacturing industries as a central success factor has to be further assessed The “TIGERS” study: Who are the “Tigers” in terms of IS?

13 Tigers study Strong policy push Strong policy push- Ireland - an early adaptor of IS policy Co-opetition frameworks‘United we shall overcome’ Decisive impact of partnerships (e.g ‘Programme for Prosperity and Fairness ) Easy availability of financing tools Strong presence of FDI companies (esp. in IS-relevant industries) -The “anglo-saxon” model of development Favorable ICT industry and/or economic profile Strong ICT infrastructure development “Sweetspots” in education Strong role of Education, awareness, info-culture Young educated workforce (national education system responsive to the needs of the industry) Creative use of specific contextsDiaspora- network of resources Migration flows and the USA “cultural connection” The “Tigers” study: The “Celtic Tiger” profile

14 Tigers study Strong policy push “Flemish identity” Pro-active policy push Publicly-led move for development of the Flemish “wired society” (creation of Telenet) EU policiesDeregulation of telecom market Co-opetition frameworkse-Flanders platform Promotion of ICT-clusters in high-tech niches (IMEC) Creation of a regional telecom operator (Telenet) to introduce competition into a quasi monopolistic telecom market Easy availability of financing toolsVenture capital Creation of spin-offs (IMEC) Favorable ICT industry and/or economic profile Open economy specialised in some specific areas of ICT hardware and software production Strong ICT manufacturing industry and ICT infrastructure development (e.g. leading position in broadband infrastructure) Important ICT sector (also high level of ICT R&D) Strong role of Education, awareness, info-culture Highly educated population,ICT –relevant behaviour and attitude Concentration on niche markets facilitated education (e.g. Flanders Language Valley) Creative use of specific contextsThe Flemish-identity push The “Tigers” study: FLANDERS case-study

15 Tigers study The IPTS and its ICT Unit TIGERS Emerging key factors Transferability to CCs; From TIGERS to “New Entrants”

16 Tigers study Emerging Factors + Future ACCs’ IS Most relevant factors in IS developments Common EU15-ACC Factors ACC Specific Factors Today’s ACCs’ IS + In the past decade, that still will influence the future EU25+ emerging factors that might strongly influence the future “New Entrants” Study

17 Tigers study TIGERS: Identifying factors of success and failure in European IST-related national/regional developments Thank you for your attention, feed-back and questions Further contacts: