East Franklin School’s First Graders Celebrate President’s Day 2003 Click Next
A President’s Day Museum was held in the Gymnasium Each student made a display representing a president. It included their full name, where they were born, when they died, their campaign slogan and many more interesting facts. Many children were dressed as a president or a first lady. Click Next
Now let’s explore some of their research and projects! Click Next
George Washington Click Next
Abraham Lincoln Click Next
George W. Bush Click Next
They shared amazing facts about each President. Here are just a few of them. George Washington – The first president. His face is on the quarter. John Adams- The first president to live in the White House. He got lost trying to find it! Thomas Jefferson- Wrote the Declaration of Independence. James Madison- His wife Dolley saved a portrait of George Washington when the White House was on fire. James Monroe- Bought Florida. John Quincy Adams- Had a pet alligator. Andrew Jackson- Nicknamed “ole’ Hickory” Click Next
Martin Van Buren – He was the 1 st president born a US citizen. William Henry Harrison- He died of pneumonia one month after taking office. John Tyler – Loved to play marbles with his 15 children! James Polk- He did not allow card playing at the White House. Zachary Taylor- Loved fried chicken. Millard Fillmore- His wife started the first library and he was president when the White House got its first stove and running water. Franklin Pierce- Most handsome president. Click Next
American Symbols Click here to see more Symbols
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Check out all the books in the library on U.S. Presidents! Click Next
We would like to thank all the first grades for their hard work and for sharing their museum with us. East Franklin’s First Grades Ms. Jacque Brown Mrs. Pam Owens Mrs. Dawn Watson We love you! by Ms. Mary and Mrs. Donna! EFS Media Center Click her to return to EFS Home Page