Healthy Swine- The Key to Happiness For Man and Swine Eric Fugate- Merck
What we are going to talk about Sow Vaccine Protocols Piglet Vaccine Protocols Ways to prevent or minimize disease transmission
Sow Vaccine Protocol Gilts- Prebreeding –Magestic 7- PLE Vaccine- 2 doses PB 1 and 4 weeks post-entry –Circumvent- PCV M vaccine- 2 doses Weaning and 3 weeks Post-Weaning –PRRS vaccine – Consult your veterinarian –Rhinogen BPE- Rhinitis Vaccine Week 13 of Gestation –Excell Platinum- Flu Vaccine Flu vaccine timing is variable – Consult your veterinarian –Safeguard- Dewormer De-worm Quarterly – Even in Confinement! –Tactic- Mange Control –Feedback – Consult your veterinarian
Disease #1 Farm purchased new gilts from an unknown source 3 weeks ago and placed with current herd 50% of sows in all stages of gestation have aborted in the last 2 weeks 90% of sows are off feed and lethargic Water consumption has dropped 40% Live Born on sows that have farrowed has decreased dramatically over the last week –Pigs born live are mostly small, low viability pigs
Prefarrow Vaccines Prosystem RCE- Rota, Clostridium, E-Coli –Use Sow Bac CE II for enteric and respiratory PRRS Vaccines – Consult your veterinarian Flu Vaccine – Consult your veterinarian Feedback – Consult your veterinarian Rhinitis Vaccine – Week 13 of Gestation PLE Vaccine – Week 5 of Gestation
Piglet Vaccine Processing Clip Tails Iron Antibiotic - Penicillin, Excede, Draxxin –Differences in spectrum and length of activity as well as cost Castrate
Piglet Vaccines- Preweaning Rhinogen BPE
Vaccines- Postweaning Circumvent PCV M- 2 weaning and 3 weeks later Ileitis and Erysipelas – Oral Vaccines Flu Vaccine – Commercial or Autogenous Other possibilities- HPS, Strep, PRRS, Salmonella Safeguard- deworming
Circovirus Label Claim Comparison Label Claim Circumvent PCV M Ingelvac® CircoFlex® - MycoFlex® Strength of Label Claim Aid in prevention of viremia √ Aid in reduction of shedding - Data supports both nasal & fecal √ Aid in the reduction of colonization of lymphoid tissue √
Directions & Dosage Warm vaccine to room temperature Proper needle size –Baby pigs: 18 or 20 gauge, 5/8” or ½” –Nursery pigs: 16 or 18 gauge, 3/4” or 5/8” Injection site: Neck Route: Intramuscular (IM)
Disease #2 Several growing pigs that appear healthy have been found dead Several live pigs have diamond shaped skin lesions similar to the ones seen below
Incoming Show Pigs De-wormer- Case Study- Safeguard PCV vaccine- need to know PCV status Therapeutic antibiotics- Penicillin, Draxxin, Linco, Excede, Excenel, Nuflor DWC PRRS – Consult your veterinarian Joint issues- Pathogens often depend on age –>10 weeks post weaning = Mycoplasma hyosynoviae –<10 weeks post weaning = HPS/Strep
Disease #3 Humidity is very high in the growing pig barn 10 recently weaned pigs are showing signs of incoordination, head tilt, and circling 2 pigs are down and paddling with an inability to rise The neighboring farmer visits and says “You’ve got a couple brainers”
Minimize Disease Transfer Isolation is always the best prevention- –May not be possible in the real world Minimize nose to nose transfer- Real World PRRS train wreck An ounce of prevention is worth a thousand dollars worth of cure….
Treatment of Disease Sows/Boars –Pneumonia Draxxin Excede Excenel Penicillin –Diarrhea Tylan Linco –Lameness Linco –Mastitis Penicillin Predef Growing pigs –Pneumonia Draxxin Excede Excenel Penicillin –Diarrhea Tylan Linco –Lameness Excede Linco –Strep Penicillin Excede Always mark treated pigs and observe withdrawal times!
Disease #4 Pigs approximately 15 weeks old show signs of decreased weight gain and have developed watery diffuse diarrhea –Feed consumption has not decreased
Reading a Drug Label Always use all vaccines and medications per labeled instructions unless under the direction of a veterinarian!
Careers in Animal Health DVM- eliminate disease and pestilence one pig at a time –Requirements are at least 2 years of undergraduate education and appropriate coursework –Experience with livestock is a HUGE advantage Sales Rep- Women want to date you and men want to be you. No … seriously.