SOVEREIGN OR SOVEREIGNTY 1.Supreme, paramount, and above all. 2.The highest ruler, having supreme rank, and authority over all. 3.Subject to no one higher,


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Presentation transcript:

SOVEREIGN OR SOVEREIGNTY 1.Supreme, paramount, and above all. 2.The highest ruler, having supreme rank, and authority over all. 3.Subject to no one higher, takes orders from no one, and answers to no one higher.

PASSIVE VS INITIATIVE Passive (Passivity) 1. Offering no opposition or resistance. 2.Influenced without exerting influence. 3.Acted upon without acting. 4.Inactive or taking no active part. 5.Inert; yielding. Initiative 1.The action of taking the first step. 2.The responsibility for beginning. 3.The right to introduce something. 4.The ability to think or act without being urged. 5.To start or initiate movement.

SOVEREIGNTY VS GRACE Sovereignty 1. What God is sovereign over you do not need faith for it. 2. Sovereignty requires no faith, no choice, no obedience, no action, on mans part. 3. It is up to what God decides and chooses. 4. Man is passive. Grace 1. What God offers in grace must be responded to with faith. 2. Grace requires faith, a choice, obedience, an action, on mans part. 3. It is what God already decided and has chosen. 4. Man must respond (to receive it).

STEPS OF FAITH 1.Have a promise from Gods Word. 2.Believe the promise and talk about it as though it exists. 3.Against all natural information that discourages you keep believing in the expectation you get from the promise. 4.Refuse to consider what you feel or see. 5.Give glory to God to keep from doubting and to keep you strong in faith. 6.Stay fully assured that God has the ability to do what He said.