Miami, 10 May Dr. Árpád Kovács Competitiveness, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Constitutional State
Miami, 10 May Outline Adjustment challenges caused by the globalization and integration; Barriers of modernization in Hungary – and probably elsewhere in the world; Goals and methodology; Contribution of audit activities in a country’s modernization; Main tasks; INTOSAI – changes and development Strategy ( )
Miami, 10 May Factors and conditions conducive to competitiveness Cultural and traditional factors Social and political factors State institutions government (public finances) Competitiveness Technological, technical factors Corporate sector International organizations and institutions conditions of integration Global competition, perspectives of the world economy
Miami, 10 May COOPERATION PERFORMANCE REGULARITY AUDITING EFFICIENCY Participatory Consensus oriented LEGALITY Economy, effectiveness ResponsiveAccountability Transparency Equitable and inclusive Follows the rules of law
Miami, 10 May Growth rate of potential GDP (in percentage) Country Belgium2,1 2,31,92,0 BRD (German Federal Republic)3,91,61,51,6 1,7 Greece1,22,63,13,33,5 Spain2,62,92,82,7 2,6 France2,02,11,92,22,1 Ireland3,67,26,65,25,34,7 Italy2,41,61,81,5 1,4 the Netherlands2,12,82,31,42,21,6 Austria2,32,22,32,1 2,0 Portugal2,8 2,61,6 1,8 Finland2,52,42,82,52,32,5 EMU2,82,12,01,92,01,9 Denmark1,62,32,2 2,1 Sweden2,02,2 2,32,2 UK2,12,62,72,5 2,4 EU-152,62,22,12,0 USA2,93,22,83,0 3,1 Note: No data for Luxemburg and 2005 are forecasts. The potential GDP was estimated on the basis of the COBB-Douglas production function. Source: OECD Economic Outlook, No. 75., 2004/2
Miami, 10 May CountryGDP per employeeOutput per hour Belgium3,21,11,40,82,31,6 BRD (German Federal Republic)2,72,11,10,93,51,9 Greece4,20,72,53,10,63,1 Spain4,21,90,70,52,3-0,3 France3,31,51,30,61,41,3 Ireland3,92,93,92,73,64,9 Italy3,52,11,10,02,30,5 Luxemburg2,51,32,8-0,12,31,1 the Netherlands2,71,31,20,61,40,6 Austria3,52,11,90,81,82,3 Portugal4,72,31,80,13,61,6 Finland3,52,92,41,42,6 EMU3,21,71,10,6n.a. Denmark2,12,01,61,52,41,7 Sweden2,22,92,51,42,02,1 UK2,12,71,61,52,91,8 EU-152,91,91,30,72,51,3 EU-10 (new members)n.a. 3,83,3n.a.4,2 EU-25n.a. 1,51,0n.a.1,7 USA1,51,32,12,21,01,9 Note: data for 2004 are forecasts. n.a.: not available Source: European Commission: Economic forecast, Spring 2004, Conference Board Annual productivity growth rate in the EU and the US (in percentage)
Miami, 10 May Source: World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2005 Ranking by international competitiveness
Miami, 10 May
9 USA and Japan: European Commission: Spring 2005 Economic Forecasts, ESA 95 methodology EU 15 countries and Hungary: Eurostat Italics are estimations or coming from different sources.
Miami, 10 May
Miami, 10 May Trends of the major indexes of the central budget ( )
Miami, 10 May Gross sum expenditures CPI Trends of the major indexes of the central budget ( )
Miami, 10 May Expenditures of the Fund CPI Trends of the major indexes of the central budget ( )
Miami, 10 May Expenditures of the Fund CPI Trends of the major indexes of the central budget ( )
Miami, 10 May Thank you for your attention