EVITA OVERVIEW of the PROJECT Hatzakis Ilias Project Manager GRNET EVITA kick-off meeting, Athens 08-09/12/2008
The INTERREG IVC program The Interregional Cooperation Programme enables cooperation between regional and local authorities in the EU27, Norway and Switzerland. This takes the form of projects in which these authorities exchange and transfer their experiences …. …and jointly develop approaches and instruments that improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and contribute to economic modernisation. Athens, 8 December
3 EVITA RATIONAL (Exchange, Valorisation and Transfer of regional best policy measures for SME support on IT and e-business Adoption) EVITA builds upon various good practices developed under different regional or interregional development programs, (namely, the “2Bdigital” program in Catalunya, the GOONLINE initiative in Greece, the ELISA project in the Balkan area, the “From Insight to Action program in Sweden, the “Echangeurs” program in Marseille Provence, the “e-commerce leveraging Center” in Galicia) and attempts to improve the effectiveness of relevant regional policies in Yugozapaden (Bulgaria), Pomurska (Slovenia), Southern Aegean (Greece), Galicia (Spain) and Latvia. In addition to the exchange of know-how, EVITA proposes the pilot implementation of these practices, together with the development of new approaches, such as the integration of e-learning techniques and methodologies for reaching SMEs in remote areas
2.2. Developments in the global and territorial context The context for drafting this Operational Programme (OP) for Interregional Cooperation for the period is characterised by several major developments: - the recent enlargement of the Union to 27 Member States (MS), which has dramatically increased disparity levels across the EU; - the increased globalisation of markets and the lagging situation of Europe concerning growth and competitiveness compared to the US and to some Asian countries; - the acceleration of climate change and related territorial impacts; - the demographic challenges and their impacts on labour markets; - the trends in regional and territorial development (catching up process in central and eastern Europe, stronger development of metropolitan areas). These developments are of strategic importance for all EU policies for the coming years. Most notably they have impacted the EU’ s Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategy, which in turn has shaped the strategy for EU Cohesion policy for the period. Athens, 8 December
The Lisbon Strategy In March 2000 in Lisbon, EU heads of state and government agreed on an ambitious goal: making the EU "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". In particular, it was agreed that to achieve this goal, an overall strategy should be applied, aiming at: · preparing the transition to a knowledge-based economy and society by improving policies for the information society and research development (R&D), as well as by stepping up the process of structural reform for competitiveness and innovation, and by completing the internal market; · modernising the European social model, investing in people and combating social exclusion; · sustaining the healthy economic outlook and favourable growth prospects by applying an appropriate macro-economic policy mix. Athens, 8 December
Specific thematic objectives: 1. To improve regional and local policies in the field of innovation and the knowledge economy, more specifically focusing on regional capacities for research and technology development, support to entrepreneurship and SMEs, support to business development and innovation initiatives, promotion of the use of ICTs and support to employment, human capital and education 2. To improve …… Specific operational objectives: 1. To enable actors at regional and local level from different countries across the EU to exchange their experiences and knowledge. 2. To match regions less experienced in a specific policy field with regions with more experience in that field, with the aim of jointly improving the capacities and knowledge of regional and local stakeholders. 3. To ensure that the good practices identified within interregional cooperation projects are made available to other regional and local actors and are transferred into regional policies in particular into EU Structural Funds mainstream programmes. Athens, 8 December
Priority’s objective 1. Improving the capacity of regions for strengthening research, technology and innovation; 2. Promoting and enabling entrepreneurship and the development of new business initiatives in all sectors of relevance to regional economies, in particular those that are knowledge- based and innovative; 3. Facilitating businesses, and in particular SMEs, to develop and grow in a more sustainable and innovative way through the transfer of specific services and the creation of shared facilities; 4. Helping to restructure regions most heavily dependent on traditional industries, including renewal of industrial zones for new business; 5. Promoting the use of new information and communication technologies by businesses, public services and the general public, especially in rural areas; 6. Improving regional policies for employment, skills development, training and education; 7. Creating the necessary framework conditions for regional economies to adapt to major socio-economic changes, notably globalisation and demographic change. Athens, 8 December
5.2.3 Target groups Regional and local public authorities; Regional development agencies; Universities, knowledge and research institutes and institutes for higher education; Operators of science and technology parks, business incubation facilities, and innovation centres; Other business support actors and organisations representing the business community, especially related to SMEs; Other public authorities or bodies governed by public law demonstrating relevance Athens, 8 December
ISSUE ADDRESSED/ PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1. The use of ICT and of e-business practices by SMEs is crucial for the improvement of their competitiveness and their position in the international markets. Especially in several Eastern and Southern Europe regions, e-business is crucial, mainly for 2 reasons: – High percentage of small enterprises – Tendency to focus locally, which can be quickly change with the use of internet as a means to do business. 2. Momentum: In nearly all the “Objective 1” regions of Europe, new Operation Plans have very recently be put in place in the framework of the funding period. 3. e-Learning can contribute to the achievement of the pronounced needs for flexibility in training SMEs. The low use of eLearning in European SMEs is mainly due to the training culture within the SMEs which is often dependent on the trainer and on the conventional training methods, while appropriate software and content for SMEs are missing. Athens, 8 December
Detailed objectives 1. Exchange and elaborate “best practice” policy measures between all partners 2. Transfer and disseminate those policy measures to Policy Makers and SMEs in the targeted regions 3. Improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the area of ICT use and e-business for SMEs in the targeted regions 4. Improve the training capacity of staff of the partner institutions 5. Establish a stable human network between competent organizations/bodies aiming at promoting e-business and e-learning practices 6. Raise awareness of Policy Makers regarding the importance of e-business for the growth and job creation 7. Highlight the importance of e-learning and tele-learning techniques 8. Provide the targeted regions with tangible and practical tools for implementing e-business training strategies for SMEs and the adequate trained staff that could act as accelerators and multipliers of training policy measures 9. Publish and disseminate a “best e-business policy measures practice guide” to a wider area 10. Improve the e-learning tools and methodologies addressed to SMEs 11. Create adequate and up-to-date multilingual training content for local SMEs of the targeted regions 12. Enhance the vocational training of SMEs in the use of online services, so that SMEs can take advantage of ICT and become more competitive in the knowledge economy 13. Contribute to the local employment 14. Bridge the digital divide inside the European Territory 15. Improve interregional cooperation Athens, 8 December
Outputs 6 Study visits for the presentation and in-depth elaboration of the “best policy initiatives” 5 regional SME training strategies on ICT use and e-business adoption (Galicia, Southern Aegean, Yugozapaden, Pomurska, Latvia), including policy guidelines and recommendations 1 “best policy measures for ICT and e-business adoption” guide A multilingual training content package on e-business for SME professionals (9 languages) A multilingual interactive and easy-to-use e-learning platform (9 languages) 1 “e-tutors seminar” and certification of partner staff (at least 15 employees) as “e-tutors” 5 Policy Maker Workshops for the dissemination of the project results and the transfer of “best policy initiatives” to Policy Makers. 1 study on the impact of e-learning on SME competitiveness 9 local dissemination events for the dissemination of the project results and the promotion of innovative e- business models to local SMEs 3 external dissemination events for the dissemination of the project results to policy makers and SMEs in other “Objective 1’ regions A set of communication tools (logo, website, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, press releases, DVD-ROMs, video movie) 6 Steering Committee meetings for the coordination of the project Project management tools Athens, 8 December
Expected results 8 concrete best policy measure practices exchanged between partners and transferred to the 5 “beneficiary” regions 3 of these policy measures implemented in a pilot manner to the 5 “beneficiary’ regions 20 solid policy measures identified, analyzed, benchmarked and published in a “best policy measures for ICT and e-business adoption” guide 5 regional policies on SME competitiveness with improved efficiency - At least 15 partner staff with increased capacity as “e-tutors” At least 100 Policy Makers with raised awareness on the importance of e-business for the growth of local economies and job creation Increase of the ICT use and e-business practices adoption by SMEs in the targeted regions Increase of the use of e-learning as a means of improving skills of SME professionals in the targeted regions Athens, 8 December
14 EXTRA CHALLENGES Good proposal ≠ Good project Give coherence (to tasks, roles, partners) Give character, color, recognition to the project Make it useful for our organizations Give power and sustainability to the network “Tirer vers le haut”
15 The partnership 3 types of players: "donor" partners who have implemented “best-practice” policy initiatives for the adoption of IT and e-business practices "beneficiary" partners representing “Objective 1” regions who are lagging behind in terms e-business penetration and who are about to design relevant regional policies in the framework of the funding period partners with expertise in e-learning, IT training, SME competitiveness and regional development plans and who can act as catalysts for the successful transfer of the good practices.
Athens, 8 December P1 P2 P4 P5 P6 P7 P9 P 10 P8 P3 MA & JTS
17 COPCA Donors Service providers LTC GRNET FTZ CCIMP NUTEK CESGA SAR Beneficiaries SAITC SDA
18 COPCA Chambers/ business support centers Technological Centes LTC GRNET FTZ CCIMP NUTEK CESGA SAR State/Regional Authorities/ Agencies SAITC SDA
19 C1 C2 6 Study visits C3 5 Policy Maker Workshops C4 e -learning platform Training content 1 e-tutor seminar 5 regional IT training strategy reports Best e BSN Policy Measures Guide TUTORS 5 SME seminars 10 Dissemination events Web portal Communication material Study e -learning & SME Competitiveness 6 Consortium meetings Mar 09 Jul 09 Sep 10 Oct 10 Oct 09 May 11 Nov 09 Oct 09 Nov 10 Jul 11 6 Project Reports & Payment Claims PM tools
20 C2 C3 C4 1 e-tutor seminar Jan 09Jul 09Jan 10Jan 11Jul 10Jul 11 C1 EU Conference e -learning platform Training content Study on e -learning e BSN Guide IT report corpus 5 Policy Maker Workshops Communication material Web portal 6 Study visits 9 Dissemination events 5 IT strategy reports 5 SME seminars PR -PC TUTORS CM PM tools
21 Component 1: Management The Project Notebook: The main tool that will be used to maintain the project management information system; an excel file that maintains in worksheets all the project’s management information: project definition, partners coordinates, staff coordinates, mailing lists, documents archive, planned effort/budget, actual effort/budget, WP input/objectives/output, etc. The Action Assignment Tool: This is a dynamic excel file containing a very analytical breakdown of all day to day tasks, stating the component, the responsible partner, the responsible persons, the deadline, the date of the final delivery, the incurred delay if any and the importance of this delay to the overall implementation etc. This way, every partner has a very analytical dynamic schedule of his tasks. This tool will be constantly updated online, at the project website. The Project Website ( : EVITA will use a website to ensure a constant, high quality information flow to all partners. This website will act as a repository for all project documents, deliverables’ list, event’s list and detailed presentation, electronic press releases, contact details and meetings’ information (agenda, minutes etc). Steering Committee Meetings: The SC shall meet at least twice per year (6 meetings). Documents naming: All project documents will follow an agreed notation. 6 Consortium meetings 6 Project Reports & Payment Claims PM tools
COMPONENT 1 Project Management C2: Communication & dissemination C3: Exchange of experience on e- business policy measures C4: e-learning and training Coordination - SC meetings Financial administration Dissemination eventsCommunicationStudy visitsBest practice guide Regional IT training Strategy ReportsPolicy Maker W/SsStudy on e-learninge-tutors seminar Develop Training contente-learning platformSME seminars 1GRNET - Athens 1. Coordinate SC meetings 2. Organize kick off (oct 09) and last meeting 3. PM tools 4. Attend LP seminars Financial administration and coordination of partners 1st sem 2011: 3 External DE, for larger impact, in 3 "objective 1" (Slovakia/ Romania/ Poland) in cooperation with local actors logo, newsletters, press releases + proof reading of the communication material+ website 1. Coordinate the agendas of SVs 2. Organize 1 study visit for the "GOONLINE" program (2nd 08) 3. participate in the other 4 SVs MAJOR ROLE - Produce BP guide Send represenative (s) in all PM WSContribute Contribute to the orgnization and send e-tutors to Malta Secondary role under the coordination of COPCA Contribute to the e- learning platform by May 09 2 COPCA - Barcelona Participate in SC meetings Financial Administration Participate at the External Dissemination events Proof reading of local versions 1. Organize 1 study visit for the "tBD and int tool" programs 2. participate in the other 4 SVs Secondary role under the coordination of GRNET Send represenative (s) in all PM WS Send e-tutors to Malta MAJOR ROLE - Training Content in English+Translate and localize training content in Catalan Proof reading of the Catalan version 3 NUTEK- Stockholm Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration Participate at the External Dissemination events 1. Organize 1 study visit for the "from insight to action" program (1st sem 09) 2. participate in the other 4 SVs Send represenative in PM WS Translate and localize training content in Swedish Proof reading of the Swedish version 4 CCIMP - Marseilles 1. Organize 1 SC meeting 2. Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration Participate at the External Dissemination events Organize 2 study visits for the '"Echangeurs" Program, one in PARIS and 1 in MARSEILLES 2. participate in the other 4 SVs Coordinate and produce the corpus of the IT Training Strategy Reports Send represenative (s) in some PM WSProduce the study Translate and localize training content in French Proof reading of the French version 5Malta - FTZ Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration Participate at the External Dissemination events Production of Communication material (brochures etc.) Participate in all 5 Study Visits Contribute to the formation of the corpus of the IT Strategy Report Send represenative in some PM WS? Organize the e- tutors seminar Translate and localize training content in Maltese Develop e-learning platform by May 09 and upload the content 6 GALICIA e- commerce leveraging center 1. Organize 1 Steering Committee 2. Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration 1. Participate at the External Dissemination events 2. Organize one local dissemination event 1. Organize 1 study visit for the center and several initiatives (1st sem 09) and 2. participate in the other 4 SVs Contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for the region of Galicia and distribute it Organize Policy Maker W/S for trasfer of European best practices in Galicia/ 2 external experts Send e-tutors to Malta Translate and localize Training content in Gallego Proof reading of the Gallego version Train 30 SMEs in Galicia 7 SAITC- Ministry of Telecom - Sofia 1.Participate to SC meetings 2.Organize 1 SC meeting Financial Administration 1. Participate at the External Dissemination events 2. Organize one local dissemination event Proof reading of local versions Participate in all 5 Study Visits Contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for the region of Sofia and distribute it Organize Policy Maker W/S for trasfer of European best practices in Sofia/ 2 external experts Send e-tutors to Malta Translate and localize Training content in Bulgarian Proof reading of the Bulgarian version Train 30 SMEs in Bulgaria through the t-crnters and teleseminar techniques 8 Region of S. Aegean Ermoupolis- Syros 1.Participate to SC meetings 2.Organize 1 SC meeting Financial Administration 1. Participate at the External Dissemination events 2. Organize 2 local dissemination events, in Ermoupolis and in Rodos Proof reading of local versions Participate in all 5 Study Visits Contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for the Southern Aegean region and distribute it Organize Policy Maker W/S for trasfer of European best practices in Ermoupolis / 2 external experts Send e-tutors to Malta Translate and localize Training content in Greek Proof reading of the Greek version Train 30 SMEs from Southern Aegean 9Synergija SA Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration 1. Participate at the External Dissemination events 2. Organize one local dissemination event Proof reading of local versions Participate in all 6 Study Visits Contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for the region of Pomurska and distribute it Organize Policy Maker W/S for trasfer of European best practices in Toplice/ 2 external experts Send e-tutors to Malta Translate and localize Training content in Slovenian Proof reading of the Slovenian version Train 30 Slovenian SMEs 10 Latvian Technological Centre (LTC) Participate to SC meetings Financial Administration 1. Participate at the External Dissemination events 2. Organize 2 local dissemination events, in Riga and in Liepaja Proof reading of local versions Participate in all 5 Study Visits Contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for Latvia and distribute it Organize Policy Maker W/S for trasfer of European best practices in Riga/ 2 external experts Send e-tutors to Malta Translate and localize Training content in Latvian Proof reading of the Latvian version Train 30 Latvian SMEs Athens, 8 December
Athens, 8 December EVENTS B 2008responsiblelocationSC meetingsCOMPONENT 2COMPONENT 3COMPONENT 4 DEC 09LOGO (GRNET) DEC 09REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STUDY VISITS (GRNET) 1DEC 08GRNETAthens1st SC meeting 1st SV for GOONLINE and ELISA A 2009 AMAR 09WEBSITE (GRNET) WORK ON COMMUNICATION MATERIAL (FTZ, SAITC, GRNET) WORK ON THE e-LEARNING STUDY (CCIMP) WORK ON THE TRAINING CONTENT (COPCA & GRNET) WORK ON THE e-LEARNING PLATFORM (FTZ & GRNET) 2APR 09COPCA CatalunaBarcelona 2nd SV for 2BDigital and the CAT B2B Ínt/ nal Trade Tool 3MAY 09CCIMP MarseillesParis 3rd SV for "Echangeurs" 4MAY 09CCIMP MarseillesMarseilles2nd SC meeting 4th SV for "Echangeurs" B 2009 BJUL 09e-LEARNING STUDY (CCIMP) C1SEP 09COMMUNICATION MATERIAL (FTZ - SAITC - GRNET) 5OCT 09NUTEK StockholmStockholm SV for the "from insight to action" program 6OCT 09Galicia e-CLCSantiago SV for the center and the initiatives DOCT 09TRAINING CONTENT (GRNET & COPCA) EOCT 09e-LEARNING PLATFORM (FTZ) 7NOV 09FTZ MaltaMalta3rd SC meeting e-tutors' Seminar A 2010 C2FEB 10COMMUNICATION MATERIAL (FTZ - SAITC - GRNET) - 2nd phase FFEB 10CORPUS ON IT TRAINING STRATEGIES (CCIMP) 8MAR 10SAITC SofiaSofia4th SC meetinglocal dis/tion event SME tele-seminar 9MAY 10LTC LatviaRiga local dis/tion event SME seminar 10MAY 10LTC LatviaLiepaja local dis/tion event 11JUN 10 Southern Aegean Regional AuthorityErmoupolis local dis/tion event SME seminar 12JUN 10 Southern Aegean Regional AuthorityRodos local dis/tion event 13JUN 10 Southern Aegean Regional AuthoritySantorini local dis/tion event B 2010 GSEP 105 IT TRAINING STRATEGIES HOCT 10BEST PRACTICE GUIDE (GRNET) 14OCT 10SynergijaToplice local dis/tion eventPMs' WorkshopSME seminar 15OCT 10SynergijaLitija local dis/tion event 16NOV 10Galicia e-CLCSantiago5th SC meetinglocal dis/tion eventPMs' WorkshopSME seminar A 2011 IOCT 09PILOT IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION REPORT (GRNET) 17FEB 11 Southern Aegean Regional AuthorityErmoupolis PMs' Workshop 18APR 11DAITS SofiaSofia PMs' Workshop 19MAY 11LTC LatviaRiga PMs' Workshop B JUL 11GRNETAthens6th SC meetingFinal Conference
Action Assigment Tool ACT Description Respon- sible Orga- nizationDue Days leftStatusClosing Date 1 1 Participation at the Madrid LP SeminarIHGRN20/10/2008 completed20/10/ Letters of SupportAll 30/10/ Templates για τα PPT του kick-offIHGRN25/11/ Signature of Subsidy ContractIHGRN1/12/ Reserve domain for the web portalKSGRN1/12/ ELISA logoIHGRN2/12/ Questionnaire for the 1st Study VisitVGGRN3/12/ Preparation of Joint ConventionZPGRN4/12/ Study Visit Set of RequirementsVGGRN5/12/ Signature of Joint ConventionALL 8/12/ KICK-OFF meeting in AthensIHGRN8/12/ st STUDY VISIT in AthensIHGRN9/12/ Send filled questionnaire on 1st Study Visit back to VGAllALL19/12/ STUDY VISIT REPORT (D...)IHGRN28/12/ Submit Demands for CertificationsAll 15/1/ Review existing material on training process in the GOONLINE information systemIHGRN15/1/ Review existing e-business training material in the GOONLINE portalIHGRN15/1/ Review existing e-business training material from COPCACRGRN15/1/ Technical Meeting in Barcelona (IH, CR)NAFUB21/1/ Identify other projects with similar fields of actionIHGRN24/1/ Give requirements for the Web Portal to subcontractorsIHGRN31/1/ First draft of the Web PortalIHGRN15/2/ Release of the Web Portal (D2)IHGRN15/3/ Submit first Payments ClaimALGRN1/4/ Submit first Progress ReportIHGRN1/4/ ELISA e-learning platform. Technical and Functional Requirements Report (D3)JXFTZ Athens, 8 December
Component 2 - Communication 1. The creation of a multilingual web portal to be used as: a. A cooperation tool between the partners b. A point of information for local SMEs and Policy Makers c. A dissemination tool d. A gate to the EVITA e-learning platform and the EVITA training material. 2. The creation of a relevant communication material, (FTZ) consisting of: a. A logo b. At least 18 press releases for the proper dissemination of the critical milestones of the project c. At least 6 newsletters that will be distributed to Policy Makers, SME representative organizations and relevant institutions across Europe d. Brochures, leaflets, DVD-ROMs and posters to be used for the presentation of the project ideas in the first phase of the project and results in the last phase of the project at major conferences and events. e. Visual content contributing to the “visibility” of EVITA. SAITC has a fully equipped media team, possessing the necessary expertise for the creation and dissemination through web-sites and national and local media of diversified visual content. SAITC will create different multimedia presentations and/or movies that will be posted on-line as well as in DVD-ROMs. 3. The organization of 9 local dissemination events for transmitting the messages and the results of the project to local Policy Makers and SME representatives. 4. The organization of one Final Conference for EU wide dissemination to relevant policy makers (i.e. regional and local authorities). This conference will in particular target the convergence regions. Athens, 8 December EU Conference Communication material Web portal 9 Dissemination events
COMPONENT 3: Exchange and transmission of 8 best policy practices Athens, 8 December Study visits C3 5 Policy Maker Workshops 1 e-tutor seminar 5 regional IT training strategy reports Best e BSN Policy Measures Guide Study e -learning & SME Competitiveness Oct 09 May 11 Nov 09
The Study Visits In-depth analysis and presentation of at least 8 policy initiatives on SME support on IT and e-business, implemented by the 5 “donor” partners, to all partners, through 6 targeted study visits. After each study visit, a report will be produced, on the basis of questionnaires answered by the participants, focusing on the lessons learnt by each study visit. Athens, 8 December
Study Visits Set of Requirements General Information (Project Snapshot – Program Framework, Funding Body, Duration, Total Budget) Project Partners Origin of the project Goals/ Objectives Beneficiaries (Target Groups) Main activities Methodology-Tools Management and coordination Resources Key Success Factors Weak points Problems on the implementation Awards or distinctions Summary of good practice elements Concrete Results/ Main significant features- metrics Impacts Presentation of the project's website Presentation of a success user story Athens, 8 December
The study on the impact of e-learning to SME competitiveness The study will address the need to transform lifelong learning by leveraging ICT and highlight how e-learning can positively affect the adoption rate, especially by SMEs, where indeed can lead to cost savings through better utilization of users' time, efficiencies in personnel resources as well as reductions in physical requirements Athens, 8 December
The IT training strategy reports Based on a “Corpus of the IT Training Strategy Reports”, which will be developed by CCIMP, the beneficiary partners will create 5 “regional IT training Strategy Reports for SMEs” with policy recommendations and proposed action plans for the 5 targeted regions. These strategies will take into consideration the local needs and the local Operational Programs concerning SME competitiveness funded by Structural Funds. Athens, 8 December
The Best Practice Guide Identification of the at least 20 more efficient and successful policy initiatives for SME support on IT and e-business in Europe, and creation of a “Best European e-business Policy Initiatives" Guide. The policy initiatives will be presented in detail, each one separately and all together in a benchmarking analysis with various criteria of effectiveness and suitability to the targeted areas. The guide will include a description of the main lessons learnt from these practices. GRNET will be the responsible partner. Athens, 8 December
Athens, 8 December
Athens, 8 December
e-BSN the eBSN (European e-Business Support Network for SMEs), a virtual network of decision-makers and public policy experts, a tool to make existing e-Business policies more joined-up. The European e-Business Support Network for SMEs (eBSN) was established in response to high-level political focus on the important role of ICT in boosting the competitiveness of the overall EU economy. Its ultimate goal is to improve the effectiveness of public SME policies in fostering competitiveness by promoting the innovative use of ICT. eBSN is an eBusiness policy coordination platform, bringing together decision makers and public policy experts in the field of eBusiness, to share information and to discuss strategic policy direction. Athens, 8 December
The Policy Maker Workshops Transmission of all the above to local Policy Makers in the targeted areas. Those Policy Makers will be chosen in a way to represent Managing Authorities, relevant Ministries, regional authorities, SME representative schemes, etc. Athens, 8 December
The e-tutors seminar Create a task force of “e-tutors”, coming from staff of the partners. These e-tutors who will be formed and certified during an inter-regional “e- tutors seminar" that will take place in Malta, with FTZ as the responsible partner. Athens, 8 December
Component 4: Tools and implementation Athens, 8 December e -learning platform Training content 5 SME seminars Oct 09 Nov 10 Oct 09
The training content A training content on e-business and the benefits to SME competitiveness. This content aims at improving managerial understanding and skills in e- business by entrepreneurs, based on best practices, local e-government services and will be written in easy “business” language. It will include basic IT knowledge, an introduction to both B2C and B2B e-business models and practices, and issues on entrepreneurship over the internet (web marketing, e-logistics, Customer Relationship Management, etc.), together with a guide on how to make an e-business plan. The training content will initially be created in English, in a generic way, by COPCA in close cooperation with GRNET. In a second phase, the other partners will localize it by translating it and by adding the local/ regional e- government services to SMEs and some local e-business best practices. Athens, 8 December
The e-learning platform A multilingual, interactive and user-friendly e-learning platform enriched with the training content. It is a strategic choice to focus on technology enhanced professional learning, having in mind that in the very close future, the technological possibilities, especially mobile and broadband solutions, will change today's learning scenarios and that the provision of e-learning services will grow substantially, to satisfy the growing demand of professionals in SMEs. FTZ will be responsible for the creation of the platform. Athens, 8 December
The SME Seminars The pilot implementation of the best practice policy measures will take place through targeted SME seminars (at least 30 SMEs). In each targeted region, one of the methodologies studied in the study visits will be applied, the one chosen by the “beneficiary” partner. The “e-tutors” will have an important role, using the EVITA training content through the EVITA e-learning platform, and the methodologies delivered during the e-tutors seminar. Additionally, in one case (Bulgaria), there will be experimentation on tele-learning methodologies in order to reach SMEs in remote areas. The seminar will be delivered from Sofia towards different locations in Bulgaria, through the network of tele-centers. The deployment of this tele-seminar will be web-transmitted and video-recorded, so that the methodology is disseminated to all other interested regions. The SMEs that will participate to these events will be chosen on an "open procedure" basis, according to EU rules on competition. Athens, 8 December
41 TARGET GROUPS Policy Makers in the beneficiary countries. Managers and personnel inside the SME representative organizations. SMEs ICT companies that specialize in e-learning technologies.
Hatzakis Ilias Project Manager GRNET EVITA kick-off meeting, Athens 08-09/12/2008 Good luck to all of us!!! Thank you