Driver Logs
Compliance with hours of service regulations Having a GVWR or GCWR of 10,001 pounds or more 1a
Compliance with hours of service regulations Designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver 1b
Compliance with hours of service regulations Transporting hazardous materials in a type or quantity which require placarding 1c
The graph grid Off duty Sleeper berth Driving On duty 2
Eleven items on all logs 1. Date 2. Total miles driven today 3. Truck or tractor and trailer number 3a
Eleven items on all logs 4. Carriers name hour period starting time 6. Drivers signature/certification 7. Main office address 3b
Eleven items on all logs 8. Remarks 9. Co-drivers name (if applicable) 10. Total hours in each duty status 3c
Eleven items on all logs 11. Shipping document number(s) or shipper name and commodity 3d
Log keeping responsibilities Entries must be current Name of city, town, or village and state where each change of duty status occurs must be recorded in the remarks section 4a
Log keeping responsibilities Entries must be legible/in drivers own handwriting 4b
Log keeping responsibilities Entries must include the 11 required items Time standard at the home terminal must be used 4c
Log keeping responsibilities Entries must be done in duplicate Entries for multiple days off or vacations may be consolidated onto a single log 4d
Record retention Original record of duty status must be submitted to the carrier within 13 days 5a
Record retention Keep a copy of each record for the previous 7 consecutive days in your possession and available for inspection while on duty 5b
Record retention Carrier must keep records of duty status and all supporting documents for 6 months 5c