Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Ideas of the Renaissance - Humanism Daily Questions: - What changes in Europe led to the Renaissance? Why has the time period been termed the “Renaissance”? What is Humanism?
Warm-up REGENTS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION #1 1. European society during the Renaissance differed from European society during the Middle Ages in that during the Renaissance The church was no longer influential The emphasis on individual worth increased Economic activity declined Art no longer contained religious themes If you finish early, then do the extra questions for extra credit
Warm-up Reflection How did you arrive at your answer? What strategies did you use? Why did you choose the answer you did? Remember to: LISTEN SUMMARIZE BUILD
Strategies for Multiple Choice Regents Questions Read the question over twice Figure out what exactly the question is asking you for, then underline it or write it out for yourself Answer the question by yourself BEFORE looking at the multiple choice options Read over your choices Eliminate all the answers you are CERTAIN are wrong – be sure you have a reason for why they are wrong Select the best (correct) answer to the question At some point, re-read the question, answer it again in your head, then be sure that is the answer you chose
Notes mid-1300’s – new ideas began to spread in Italy Called the Renaissance or “rebirth” PREDICT: Why would we use the word “rebirth to describe a time period? 1350-1600C.E. the Renaissance came after the Middle Ages RECALL: how would you describe the Middle Ages to someone who didn’t know anything about it? Piecing it together: After the Middle Ages, why might a time period be a “rebirth”? What would a “rebirth” from the Middle Ages look like? What might change? Where does the Renaissance begin?
Notes During the Middle Ages, who had the power and wealth? The Renaissance begins in the Italian city-states because they were rich from increased trade during the end of the Middle Ages (Crusades). VOCAB: city-states – a state made up of a city and the surrounding territory it rules. Middle Ages: had stressed human dependence on God and the importance of a spiritual life, as well as feudal societal structure.
Notes Renaissance begins in the 1300’s in the Italian city-states VOCAB: Renaissance – meaning “rebirth,” approx. 1350-1600, defined by Humanism and famous for art, architecture and science. Result of renewed interest in the cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome. Humanism: celebrated human freedom; the joys of this world; believed there were no limits to what human beings could accomplish; emphasis on the individual as opposed to God/church. VOCAB: Humanism – the new outlook of the Renaissance that focused on the human world and celebrated human freedom. “Men can do all things if they will…” With humanist ideals and wealth, the powerful ruling families in the Italian city-states could afford to support scholars, writers, architects, artists, etc.
Activity: Flow Chart Middle Ages Humanism Renaissance
Renaissance Facebook Biography Project Read Project Overview Assign Renaissance Men and Women
Renaissance Men and Women Class P Student Character
Journal Reflection 1 Answer ALL of the following questions: What changes in Europe led to the Renaissance? Why is the time period of 1350-1600 C.E. called the Renaissance or “rebirth”? What is humanism? Who is your Renaissance figure? Predict: Why is he/she important? Homework: Research your Renaissance Man/Woman and bring in your research notes next class Collecting: #