Welcome to Utah Studies Unit 0: Utah Background
Bell Activity – Aug. 20, 2014 Find your name card on one of the desk. This will be your seat for the first two weeks or so. Take one of the white papers on the brown shelf at the front of the room. Return to your seat and fill the paper out while Ms. Thatcher takes attendance.
Today we will learn… History Objective – We will be able to describe what we will learn about in Utah Studies. Language Objective – We will be able to name seven things we learned at the end of the day. Behavior Objective – Courtesy and Respect: Listen politely and raise your hands to ask a question or make a comment.
Policies and Procedures Over the first full week of school, we will learn about the policies and procedures of this class. We will do a few items each day and there will be a quiz (for prizes) when we finish.
How do we begin class? Everyday there will be a bell activity to complete within the first five minutes. Some will be writing prompts, others brainstorming, and still others reviews, but for the most part they will be vocabulary (which you will learn how to do next week). These will be turned in for points. When you are absent, you will need to make them up by coming in during Peak, after school or doing by doing them at home.
Can we have backpacks in class? Yes, as long as they are put under your table where I and others will not trip on them. If the majority of the class cannot remember where their backpacks go by the end of the first 6 weeks, they will be placed in a designated area or banned from class. Please do your best to remember.
What do I do if I don’t have a pencil? You have three choices: –You can borrow one from a friend. –You can check the abandoned pencil box for one. –Or you can buy one from Ms. Thatcher for 5¢ (plain yellow), 25¢ (colorful) or 50¢ (mechanical).
Questions? What burning questions do you have about this class!?
Personal Circle Map Take out a piece of paper. Put your name, hour and the date at the top, like the example at the front of the room. Draw a circle map with your name in the center bubble. In the outer circle, write things about yourself you can share with other people in the class. The more things you write, the more likely you will get treats for this activity! When Ms. Thatcher starts the timer, walk around and talk to other students. If you both have the same thing listed, circle it and have the student write their name at the bottom of you paper. Collect as many signatures as you can!
Personal Circle Map
6. The best movie I've seen recently is _______________________________________ 7. My favorite movie of all time is _______________________________________ 8. My favorite TV show is _______________________________________ 9. My favorite type of music is _______________________________________ 10. My favorite band/singer is _______________ 11. My favorite type of book is ______________ 12. My favorite book of all time is ____________ 13. One thing I feel I do very well is _______________________________________ 14. My favorite subject last year was ___________ Least favorite? __________________
15. The elementary school I attended was _________ 16. When I have free time, I like to _________________________________________ 17. If I could go anywhere I would love to go to _________________________________________ 18. One of the things I like best about myself is _________________________________________ 19. I actually know a lot about _______________ 20. Three adjectives that describe my personality are: (a) ___________ (b) ___________ (c) ___________ 21. I think I might be interested in a career in __________________________________________ 22. Three personality traits that describe my favorite type of teacher: (a) ___________ (b) ___________ (c) ___________
23. My grades are usually _____________________ 24. If my grade drops below _________, I would my teacher to ______________________________ 25. The coolest thing I have ever learned about in history/geography was ______________________ I like that topic because ______________________ __________________________________________
Bell Activity – Aug. 24, 2015 Pick up the tan paper from the front table and your ‘First Day Questionnaire’. Take out your circle map from last week, and work on your questionnaire or you can start reading your new activity: “How Well Do You Know Utah?” To be on time, you will need all of these materials on your desk and to be working on one of them when the bell finishes ringing.
Today we will learn… History Objective – We will identify some of the symbols of Utah, and locate the 29 counties that are a part of Utah (if there is time). Language Objective – We will listen for important information. Behavior Objective - Collaborate with a group of classmates to discover fun facts about Utah.
Policies and Procedures Over the first full week of school, we will learn about the policies and procedures of this class. We will do a few items each day and there will be a quiz (for prizes) when we finish.
What do I do if I missed a day of school? Papers for absent students will be put in the tray hanging over the electric pencil sharpener. When I can, I will put names on these papers. After a week they will go into the last bin. I do not print extra copies of assignments. If you lose yours you will need to print out a new one at home, or pay to print a new one here at school (25¢).
Where do I turn in assignments? The slots at the front of the room are for turning materials in. You will be assigned a box that will be yours until the end of the year, but it is only for turning in homework. If something is late put it in the late tray on my desk. Follow directions to turn in your homework, but keep your bell activity.
Trivia and Symbols of Utah We will frequently work in groups to learn about a topic in Utah history. Today, your goal is to work with your group to discover as many answers to questions as you possibly can. There are orange stars around the room to help you find answers to questions. Some answers can be found using the index in our books or on the student computers. Work together as a team to get done first. The first group done gets a treat!
And the answers are… 1) Salt Lake City 2) Herbert 3) Great Salt Lake 4) salt 5) Quaking aspen 6) California gull 7) Sego lily 8) Utah, We Love Thee 9) Utah, This is the Place 10) I15 11) Idaho 12) Provo 13) King’s Peak 14) Uintah Mts. 15) Bear Lake 16) Hill Air Force Base 17) Fremont / Anasazi / Paleo / Archaic 18) Saltaire 19) Lagoon 20) Delicate arch 21) Mining 22) 29 23) ) beehive 25) 1847
And the answers are… 26) beaver 27) Colorado R. 28) Transcontinental 29) TV 30) Greatest Snow on Earth 31) Real 32) brine shrimp 33) Handcart 34) 2 35) Winter Olympics 36) Bonneville cutthroat trout 37) Dutch oven 38) Ralph Becker 39) Malone & Stockton 40) Zions Nat. Park 41) Craig Petersen 42) Bishop, Love, Chaffetz, Stewart 43) schools, roads, etc 44) Hayward, Exum, Milsap etc. 45) cabinet
And the answers are… Put away your pencils, and take out a red pen. If you don’t have one, you can borrow one of mine. If you missed an answer, fill it in with the red pen. If it was wrong, fix it with the red pen. As long as you have the correct answer, you will get credit for the activity.
How long have you lived in Utah? Before we go onto the next assignment, I need to know how long you have lived in Utah? –Less than a year = -1 –1-5 years –5 or more years = 5+
How well do you know Utah? Now we will see just what you know about this state. This is a competition, so protect your answers!!! Also, the answers must be written in pencil!