Mrs. Whittaker’s Physical Science Class Contact Information: Website: Mrs. Whittaker’s Physical Science Class Contact Information: Website:
Here are a few ways we can work together to promote success for your child…
The Right Side… INPUT The right side spiral is for writing down information you are given in class. When the teacher lectures, you take notes on the right side. When you take book notes or video notes they go on the right side, ALWAYS. You will use Cornell-style notes on the right side of the notebook on the right page. Vocabulary words and their definitions. All labs will be placed on the right side of the notebooks. Teacher questions and sample problems. Any other type of INPUT you get in class The Left Side… OUTPUT Every left side page gets used! Always use color-It helps the brain learn and organize Brainstorming Thinking Maps Pictures Drawings & Diagram Writing Prompts Summaries Reflections Responses to any of the prompt questions The Interactive Science Notebook (ISN)
THE INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: THE INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: To make sure that your child is completing work you can look at the current “Table of Contents” in his/her Science Notebook. All papers should be completed and in the correct order. You can look at our website for a current “Table of Contents”. –This is under the ISN folder or under chapter resources for the current chapter.
Here is a current Example… Page # Left Side Assignments Stamp Y or N Page # Right Side Assignments Stamp Y or N 28.Chapter 2 Warm-upsX29.Chapter 2 Table of Contents Chapter 2 Vocabulary Cards 32. Tree Map-Elements, Mixtures and Compounds 33. Describing Matter Close Read 34. Chemical and Physical Changes T-Chart 35. Chemical and Physical Changes Foldable 36.Lab Summary37. Chemical and Physical Changes Lab write-up
STUDENT PLANNER: Check your student’s planner on a daily basis. Students are required to write down homework assignments at the beginning of each class. *The Agenda for the week is posted every Monday *This is also posted on the class website.
GRADES ONLINE: Grades will be posted online. You must go to and click on “family portal” to register and get an account. You will receive a password to get into the “portal”. Next, you will enter your student’s password to check grades for each class. This is a wonderful way to track your child’s progress.
*You will notice the following symbols on the grade print outs: na = excused (excused from the assignment) blank = missing or absent (0 until turned in) Late Work Policy: –Late work is excepted and may be turned in until the end of the chapter –It will be marked down 50%
THE CLASS WEBSITE: Check our website frequently. The website will keep you updated on the assignments in the Science Notebook, the Online Textbook, homework, upcoming tests, Chapter resources, the California Content Standards, & other important events.
Other Important Information: - Tutorial - Academic Vocabulary - Common Core