Methods Provocation Vicente Traver Salcedo Eric Hekler Provocation focuses on using/developing new research methods to more rapidly advance the field and exploit the rapid pace of technological development
Flickr – Metrix X Conceive of a study Gather Pilot Data Submit Grant Receive Funding Conduct the study Submit publications for review 500,000 th App Accepted on App Store
Flickr – Mathieu Struck Discovery Translation Dissemination Societal Change
The new methods and theories we are proposing are not reinforced in the current academic system. Current values? Knowledge for knowledge sake Pre-planned research Discipline-driven Fiscal disconnect Post-hoc Peer-Reviewed Publications New Values? Relevance and social value Iterative experimentation Interdisciplinary teams and community engagement Fiscal sustainability Open Source Github-like Wiki with real-time peer review Flickr – Mathieu Struck
How might we create new processes for reinforcing the actions of academics to foster the rapid development of new methods and theories?
What are our tools NOT good at? Flickr – Clyde Bentley What questions other than “does it work” should we ask?
What are the most important new tools for us to become proficient at using to answer our new questions? Flickr – Cowboy Ben Alman
How can we convince our peers that these tools are more appropriate than the tried and true tools?
Provocative Questions Using/developing new research methods to more rapidly advance the field How might we create new methods for reinforcing the actions of academics to foster the rapid development of new methods and theories? Which new tools are best for which questions and how do we enable our peers to recognize the value of alternative methods?