Electronic Developmental Reading Assessment Project Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference December 3rd, 2003 Boston Public Schools Organizations Office of Instructional Technology Elementary Language Arts Dept. MetroLINC Challenge Grant
Boston Staff Ann Deveney, Senior Program Director Elementary Language Arts Department Diane Mustone, Technology Support Specialist Office of Instructional Technology Alice Santiago, Assistant Director of Instructional Technology for Program Development Office of Instructional Technology
Overview WHAT? WHY? Three Years in the Making – Requirements, Expectations and Outcomes Where we are now… Demonstrations Q & A
Developmental Reading Assessment Goal This project provides teachers with a fast and efficient way of administering the DRA electronically using a Palm handheld computer. Teachers will deepen their understanding of the analysis of running records to inform instruction. The Vision Collaborate with OIT/MetroLINC and Elementary Language Arts Department. Make the administration of the DRA more manageable. Provide better tools for making data driven decisions.
Phase I SY 2002 RFP for teachers with experience in DRA administration – 13 teachers selected citywide School Year Task – Develop and test an electronic version of the DRA which complies with current standards – Create curriculum for Summer Institute – Create a support mechanism for new program participants
Phase II Summer/SY 2003 Recruitment – 100 participants district-wide – Teachers who currently administer the DRA in grades K-3 – Teachers who currently have access to a Windows based computer Expectations – Attend all meetings/trainings – Implement the e-DRA project to administer the DRA/Running Records on a regular basis – Provide feedback to project facilitators to inform future improvements – Present at a Showcase in SY ’02 – ‘03
Phase II Summer/SY 2003 Perks – Advanced DRA training via Summer Institute – Potential tool for administering Running Records in any language – Easy access to student data for Parent/Administrative Conferences – Year-long support for project implementation via stipended facilitator – Technical training in support of project – Palm Pilot (VIIx) with appropriate software
Outcomes Summer/SY 2003 Increased proficiency in administering the DRA Using DRA data to inform instruction New technical skills – Use of Palm technology – Increase knowledge on using computers Create a support system within schools
Project Software Phase I & II Pre-entered information from the Observation Guide Automatic Calculations Includes Rubric Provides area for teacher comments Sync with PC Edit/Add/Delete from PC software Print Cost +/- $30.00 ea. Capture running-records Uses natural handwriting Easy to use Sync with PC Edit/Add/Delete from PC software Print Cost +/- $20.00
Phase I & II View
Phase III Winter - Spring ‘03 Recruitment – 92 additional participants district-wide representing 9 Teams/Schools – Teachers who administering the DRA in grades K-3 – Teachers with access to a Windows 98/2000 based computer Expectations – Attend all meetings/trainings (Five 45 minute sessions) – Implement the e-DRA project to administer the DRA/Running Records on a regular basis – Provide feedback to project facilitators to inform future improvements
Phase III Winter - Spring ‘03 Perks – Advanced DRA training – Easy access to student data for Parent/Administrative Conferences – Support for project implementation – School-based stipended facilitators – Technical training in support of project – Palm Pilot (m500) with appropriate software
Project Evolution K Phase I & IIPhase III
Phase IV SY ’03-’04 Recruitment – 40 additional participants district-wide representing 5 Teams/Schools – Teachers who administering the DRA in grades K-3 Expectations – Attend all meetings/trainings (Eight - 45 minute sessions) Six sessions directly related to e-DRA implementation Two sessions directly related to Technology Curriculum Integration – Implement the e-DRA project to administer the DRA/Running Records on a regular basis – Create two technology curriculum integration products Inspiration, Writing Prompts, AlphaSmarts, Book Talk, Online Resources, etc. – Provide feedback to project facilitators to inform future improvements
Phase IV SY ’03-’04 Perks – Advanced DRA training – Easy access to student data for Parent/Administrative Conferences – Support for project implementation – School-based stipended facilitators – Technical training in support of project – Palm Pilot (m500) with appropriate software – Windows Based Computer
Outcomes SY ’03-’04 Stay Tuned….
Project Evolution 9 92 K SY ’03-’04 SY ’02-’03
What does it look like now?
Thank you to our Team Members Elaine Barry Reading Recovery Teacher Trotter Elementary Ann Caputo-Kirby Teacher of the Deaf Horace Mann School for the Deaf Barbara Cottone Learning Center Teacher Trotter Elementary Ann Deveney Senior Program Director Elementary Language Arts, K-5 Phyllis Gann Resource Room/Reading Recovery Teacher Everett Elementary Mary Jacques Grade 2 Teacher Garfield Elementary Laura Junior Grant Administrator Office of Instructional Technology Waleska Landing-Rivera Title I Teacher Sarah Greenwood Elementary Gayle Malloy Title I Teacher Sumner Elementary Barbara McLaughlin Literacy Specialist/Reading Recovery Teacher Everett Elementary Diane Mustone Technology Support Specialist Office of Instructional Technology Ruth Browne Technology Support Specialist Office of Instructional Technology Peter Nelson Technician Office of Instructional Technology Ann Marie O’Keeffe-Urquidi First Grade Bilingual Reading Specialist Ellis Elementary Lydia Torres Bilingual Literacy Specialist Bilingual Department Wendy Vitarisi Grade 1 Teacher Trotter Elementary Alice Santiago Assistant Director of Instructional Technology for Program Development Office of Instructional Technology
Contact Information Ann Deveney Diane Mustone Alice Santiago