Sponsor Reminders & Tips 1 December, 2009
IMS Arrival Meet your IMS at the airport (if possible) Communicate & coordinate with Leavenworth/Lansing & Military Sponsors Consider initial gathering with all sponsors
Spending time with your IMS Being with your IMS and his/her family –Military-sponsored events Per invitation: Ice Breaker (1 of 2 nights), Flag Ceremony, Food Fair(s)* or Holiday Dinner/Dance (1 of 3), Sponsor Appreciation and Badge Ceremony –Social host Expensive dining is not required Consider IMS & family needs/interests (go-to resource, clothing appropriate to weather, special interests) *Food fairs are pot lucks, sponsors are expected to bring a main or side dish & dessert
Spending time with your IMS Additional considerations –IMS vehicle –Driving & directions –Language barriers –Alternate communications (e.g. Skype) –Single or geographically single IMS Remembering the year –Gifts Avoid expensive gifts Guest book, photo album
At Fort Leavenworth Photo ID required for drivers & passengers Sponsors may apply for a year-long vehicle pass Respect the law Drivers may not use mobile phone while on post
Next Steps Chapter dues paid/current Information packet – by US mail within 2 weeks –Additional IMS information (family & arrival data) –Leavenworth/Lansing & Military Sponsor details –Save the date reminders for the Ice Breakers and Flag Ceremony –Culture Gram Make contact with your IMS Meet your IMS at the airport Sponsor survey completed by IMS
Resources Chapter website: Online chapter newsletter Military committee –Sharon, Sonia, Nelson Pam, Terry, Tom Fellow sponsors Available from chapter –Country flags, name badges
Given a chance, people will make friends across, around, over and under all the natural and man-made barriers which separate them. Thank You for Your Attention! President Dwight D. Eisenhower