Fall 2015 APC Retreat Presentation Sami Francis, Academic Advising Aug 20, 2015
Curriculum Tools Students Selection of Major Catalog: Course Plan Worksheets DegreeWorks ATLAS pilot audits Curriculum Progression Ladders
Curriculum Tools Faculty Statewide Articulation Manual: postsecondary-articulation-manual.pdf Statewide Course Numbering System: Common Prerequisite Manual: prerequisite-manual FL Statutes (ex: Excess Credit Hour Rule): ute&Search_String=&URL= /1009/Sections/ html Board of Governors:
Core Curriculum for Catalog Foundations of Success courses (3 cr. hrs.) Foundations of University Success (1) Foundations of Professional Success (2) General Education (36 cr. hrs.) Communication (6) Mathematics (6) Natural Sciences (6) Social Sciences (6) Humanities (6) Electives from above disciplines (6) Pillars of Intellectual Engagement (9 cr. hrs.) Community Engagement & Diversity (3) Leadership & Ethics (3) Communication & Critical Thinking (3) – (capstone or seminar)
Curriculum Ladders Link Link Student use Guide for courses to take each semester Take a full load (efficiency, time to degree) Faculty use Responsible for 4 year curriculum Review for changes to major (keep to 120 hrs) Caution: hidden prerequisites Contact: Sarah Fayard
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